Chapter 37: Surprise

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"Guys, Ravi saw a few guards leave early this morning with some hiking equipment," Taehyung announced immediately when he walked through the front door but stopped seeing that everyone was at the dinner table. "Hey, guys." He smiled and rushed to go sit on Jungkook lap and hid his face from everyone.

"The only rocky place here is in the Dark Land." Mr. Kim says, smiling as his son whispers something in Jungkooks ear.

"We can go after we eat breakfast," Hoseok says ignoring the whispering couple next to him.

"I will keep an eye on Jackson while you guys go, just come back safe and sound, and should I be worried about the Queen, she hasn't left the guest bedroom since she has gotten here?" Yoongi shook his head.

"No, she needs some time alone. When we get back with Jimin, I think she will start feeling better." Mr. Kim nods.

"Taehyung stop talking, my brother is about to explode." Yugyeom suddenly said bringing everyone attention to a red face Jungkook and a giggling Taehyung.

"And here I thought Jungkook tops."

"Oh Mr. Kim I do, do not think otherwise, it's just the things he says and I can't do anything about it cause we are here." Taehyung stops giggling and slaps his loved one.

"YOU TOLD THE TRUTH!" He screeched.

"Now TaeTae I can't start a relationship with my future father in law with a lie." Taehyung flushed a dark red and stood up mumbling an 'I hate you' as he walks to the couch where Jinyoung and Youngjae were at.

"Only you Kook can make Taehyung that flustered." BamBam chuckled.

"You learn a few things over the years." Jungkook took another bite out of his cereal and glanced at the pouting Prince.

"If your people saw you like this now, how do you think they will react?" Yoongi looked up and growled. "There is the Prince Yoongi everyone knows." He smiles with wide eyes.

Yoong rolled his eyes and leaned on his hand.

'We're coming baby.'


"Okay so just follow my lead, I know a way to get into the Dark Lands." Yoongi grinned as they were only a mile out from the gates to the forest.

The Prince shifted back again and lead the group of furious animals to the front guards and when Yoongi showed his face and said the magical words. 'My dad sent me.' The guards allowed them to enter.

A piece of cake really.

'Yoongi I picked up Jimins trail.' BamBam links with Yoongis yellow shirt in his jaws before taking the lead until they were at a cave.

'Are they really in there?'

'Hoseok shut up, and he is in there I know it.' Yoongi turns into his armored self and struts in with the animal pirates following like some angry gang war is about to happen.

"Prince Y-Yoongi, what are y-you doing h-here?" Leo stuttered stepping forward.

"Boys, get them," Yoongi smirked and watched as the rabid animals go crazy on the ones who helped take their Captain.

'Yoongi he is through that way, that is where his smell goes cold.'

'Thanks BamBam, keep them busy out here.' Yoongi prepped one of the guns he stole off of Leo and walked through the red swirling portal.

"Wow." He muttered, looking around but growled as he saw his father kick Jimin with his knee and then in his face.

As much as Yoongi wanted to run over he wanted to see what Jimin would do, he knows he should go help his lover but he will make it up to him later.

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