(TASM) Omagaveres

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*Requested by @DarkSorceress7 /please go and see their stories!^^/ I also hope this was what you wanted^^ll*


Harry POv 

Today was our sixth anniversary and I wanted to do something nice and spend time together since we both been busy and haven't had time together. I took note that peter was recovering from last night's battle so I decided to do something special at home for my dear omega. That way, Peter could recover quicker, I kissed peter head as I slowly got out of bed trying not to wake him. I tiptoe out of our room and headed to the kitchen. Obviously I would be making Peter favorite, Pancakes with sausages on the sided. As I take out the ingredients I get some flashbacks in when I came back from boarding school and getting to see Peter again. I truly missed him..I also feel horrible knowing I tried to forget him...though honestly. I never knew I was going to meet him again, I thought I lost him...

I thought He had forgotten me as well.., we were so little but I'm glad he didn't. He did find, someone, Gwen Stacy, a beta, Smart, beautiful she was perfect for peter. It turns out that it wasn't working also I need to mention, Gwen was leaving for the UK to study. at that moment I knew I might have a chance with him. I blush as I remember when we were little, how I protected him from flash and peter would huge me all recess long not wanting to let go. A smile spreads on my faces as I remember more memorable memories of us both just. Enjoying each other company however we been so busy, I thank Felicia who has been an amazing helping hand with our relationship always advising me on what to do and no to do. She's the reason I got today off, Peter gets paranoid and always wants to make sure things are alright in the city. Doing his patrols every day, yesterday though my poor got beaten up badly. until he recovers I gonna keep him here to rest- and to snuggle while I tell him how much of an amazing person he is!

How knew I'll be spreading the rest of my days with him...at least what's left of it. I'm just happy he's mine as I'm his. I served our food on the plates as I was about to grab a fork I feel someone lazy places their arms around me.

-" hmmm.." 

-"Morning dear" 

-" Morning, *yawns* That smells delicious~" I smile 

-"well, Peter-hm?" I was about to turn and face him when he pulls out a box

-"Happy anniversary Harry" Peter goes on his tiptoes and places a kiss on my cheek, I grab the box "I hope you like it^^" I rip off the raping paper then open the box to reveal a heart-shaped photo album. leaving aside the box I open the album seeing all our pictures of us, when we went to the park for our date, a picture of us when we were little and also one in my birthday then I notice a small letter in between a page which was a photo of us together. I smile as I turn to kiss peter on the lips. 

-"Like it, I love it! and here I was about to surprise you with breakfast in bed but once again I was surprised by you" Peter smiles as he leans his head on my chest 

-"I love you Alpha~" 

-" I do too my dear, now come on let's get back to bed and eat the food I made you after that we can watch a movie, how does that sound?" 

-"hm, hum sounds like a plan^^" 

 "couldn't imagine anybody else but you by my side...I love you with all my heart, I'm working hard to make the best out of everything. Not knowing how much you have left...but for now, I want to enjoy every last second of it."

                                                                                        -love Peter (your dear omega<3)

                                                                                        -love Peter (your dear omega<3)

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The End

(I hope everyone enjoyed this chapter, please feel free to leave request, I promise I'll try to past as lest once a week. Until then, Stay safe and remember to stay strong<3 )

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