(MSM) By your side, forever~

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Summary: "You never know how strong you are until being strong is your only choice you have." - unknown 

Requested By:   Slytherin_2031



Harry and Peter were walking down the street holding each other hands.they didn't know where they were headed but they enjoyed each other company. "hey har, how about we get ice cream?" peter suggested. Harry nodded, "sure, that sounds delicious right now" peter smiled as they walked over to the park near they were there was an ice cream truck. there weren't many people in line. just three kids with their parents. they both get in line and order your treat, as they waited.  Peter looked around when he sports someone....familiar

peter felt time going slower, "oh no..." he thought to himself. "not you..."

 months before peter had been in a relationship with a guy named Liam (if anyone is named Liam I'm sure you're not a bad person^^ll) they meet each other at horizon high, they hit it off pretty good by getting to know each other and going on dates. After that Liam ask peter out and peter accepted. they were the cuties couple, peter was happy being by his side and..thought they were meant to be..but he was wrong. 

Peter was on patrol with miles when miles told peter to see something. when peter peeked over he was heart-broken...after that patrol he headed over to Liam places to conform things and like expected...things weren't good. it ended up like this,

"I SAW YOU! how can you lie to my face??" 


"I won't deal with this- we're over."

"no!- wait- peter!" 






it was too late, peter had already left the apartment. he tried to be strong not wanting to cry and show Liam he was weak so when he walked down the streets it's then were he started to sob. He stays like this for a while until he headed to harry's places. he didn't know why at that moment but he felt like it was the right thing to do and so he did. and boy was he glad he made the right choice. 


"Shhh, it's alright Pete, I got you.."

"why har...why???" Harry tried calming him down, 

"he's an asshole for doing that to you Pete, you didn't deserve that at all.."




Harry looked over to peter when he got there treats. peter order a strawberry ice cream with sprinkles-^^- while harry ordered a chocolate one with some nuts all over. he looked at peter's faces who looked very...scared. 

"peter? are you alright??" he panic a little when he walked over to peter who had already shaken off. "i-i'm ok, I just had a horrible memory, t-that's all^^ll" harry sigh a little while he handed peter his treat. peter light up when he eats his, which made harry laugh a little, "aww" he leans over and kissed peter check-in which peter blush. "har-^^-!~" 

"come on, let's walk around" peter nodded as they walked off but not without peter looking back...Liam was there..looking at him...

"oh god.."





Weeks later, harry and peter were on a date, after months about peter's problem harry had been there for peter though all. after sometime harry had accidentally confessed to peter in which peter accepted after finding out he loved harry an along but he still had some...bad memories. 

"did we really have to go here? we could have stayed at home and watch some movies while ordering food^^" Peter said as he got off the car with harry offering his hand. "Pete, if you're saying that because you think you look bad your wrong my dear." harry kissed his lips before peter could respond. "you look amazing and besides I wanted to do something different today" peter smiled softly " alright" 

they were sitting at a table near a nice view of outside. they head already order and were just talking about some here and there. But once again, peter had looked away and notices the same person, peter looked away but was to late. Liam had spotted him, "Pete, please you look amazing and if someone says different I'm gonna knock them out" peter sigh with a laugh a little "god harry..." they talked some more but were intruded when harry phone started to ring.  


"what's wrong har?"

"God, work..."

"do you...have to go?"

"hm? oh no I told some people to check something but they calling and- god I'm sorry Pete-"

"har, it's ok, go answer it. It's alright^^" 

harry smiled as he got up to answer his phone. 

Peter sigh as he looked at the plant on the vans it wasn't long when he felt someone coming,


"Hey, honey~"


"what type of guy leaves a Handsom man like you-"

"shut up" 


"what do you want Liam."

"look, Pete-"


"*sigh* look, I know I mess up, I know it but I...I want you back." 

"Liam stop...were in a restaurant." 

"Do you want to talk somewhere else?"

" No. never with you Liam. just leave you're making a fool of yourself" 

but Liam wasn't gonna leave. it was then when harry back and saw them is when Liam stop. 

"Get away from him, Liam." harry said as he walked over to Liam. 

"Please peter, I was wrong. I love you and only you!" 


" i know you need time and that's fine! I'll wait for you becomes I know you'll be back-"

"Don't make me respect myself liam. It's bad enough your here. get away!" 

"Leave us alone Osborn. He-"

"Enough! I don't love you anymore! you hurt me. harry helped me and i understood that I loved him. No matter what you say I will never forgive you! Now leave us alone. I don't wanna see you again!" 

Liam was about to do something but harry ws there about to kick his ass. liam looked away and walked off. 

"are you alright peter??" 

peter sigh but smiled at harry, "yes..I am. I stayed strong.^^" harry sat down as he held peter hand "yes you were my dear"






That it!:) but I wanted to say something to all of you! I have a youtube channel and I posted one video of parksborn, come klances and also some parksborn comics but today I realized I had gotten 1k!!! although I felt I wasn't gonna go far...I did it! now I'm gonna post more parksborn and also some drarry which are some animation if your intrested^^, Thank you guys, this really means a lot!  

thank you!


https://youtu.be/lY4YizmKeD8 also here's my first video if you guys would like to go follow meh^^ which would really help me a lot!!

until then! stay safe!-^^-

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