part 2) X Rivals to lovers ♡ Avengers

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Part Two, I can't sleep so I'm writing this at 6:00 AM, I might post this later on^^ll requested by @DarkSorceress7 I hope you enjoy it! and plz go and follow them! 


Peter POV 

-"Omg, ok deep breathes peter."

At this moment Harry and I were in an elevator going up to introduce Harry to the rest. I won't lie I'm kind of worry, I'm sure everything will be ok just that...WHY I'M I STILL PANICKING AH!? if you looked at me now I look alright but inside I'm dying! Harry seems really calm which makes me happy but as we get close Harry grabs my hand and looks at me. I look at him feeling my body calming down. I always felt safe being around him. The doors open and I'm back again, we walk out as I noticed the gang on the couch. my dads, Bruce, Nat, Clint, and Thor.  I had them meet us here for it to be easier. 

-"Ah, Peter here," Tony said as he woke Thor up from his slumber,

-" Guys, this is Harry my-"

-" Boyfriend?~" Nat said as she cut me, I could feel my cheeks heating up. 

-" You didn't actually think we wouldn't know??" Clint 

-" We suspected you guys were, I mean your guys are very close so," Bruce charms in,

-"plus, The big TV told us you were^^" Thor finally says

-" I'm Natasha, It's nice to meet you harry" They shake hands as they rest get up

-"Nice you meet you^^" Harry responds

-"Bruce, pleasure" 

-"The pleasures all mine." 

-"This is also clint and thor-" he was cut off when thor hugged harry by surprised

-"Hello, their friend! I sure you two will be an amazing couple!!" Thor says as she lets go of harry, Clint pats harry back. I was happy that everyone was asking the usual question and not the ones reporters were asking us, yes, they still were on our trail, lets them be^^ we all sat down on the couch as we all chatted, 

Bruce POV 

The boys seem like a good one and not like his father at all who I meet when going to one of Tony's meetings. Let's just say it ended well. Though I don't want to Judge, after all the news and all I still worry about the "rivalry" between Tony and Mr. Osborn. I mean they are rivals...right? I'm still questioning that and also tony approving but it doesn't matter. I like this boy and sure they'll both be a lovely couple. Peter loves him and I'm fine with that, it's what matters.


The kid seems smart, wouldn't doubt that I mean his father runs almost the whole city not to mention Tony running the other half. His father was Norman Osborn, who in the past had been tormenting the city, and most of the Villians using his tec. I'm skeptical but...Harry doesn't show any signs that he's in it. Maybe He doesn't even know what his father does, typical. With still doubts, I'm giving Harry changes. I don't want to be wrong about it but let's leave all the doubts and look into the positive side. 

Clint POV 

I like the kid, he's funny and very smart. Maybe a little more than TonyXD yea, Tony would kill meh, still, I hope he treats peter well or else^^ I made an arrow with his name on it, no lie. why wouldn't I mean we found out ourselves and peter tells us now?? kind of can't blame him, the news can be quite scary. I'm just glad Peter won't be lonely and I amT_T

Thor POV 

I'm hungry.

oh and thirsty 

Maybe for what they call, a sand witch??- I MEANO_0 

Yea, me like Harry, He nice boy for Spider boy. Not sure why to worry since if anything were to happen to peter we would mostly not ever see Harry again. I'm glad we're all keeping it to ourselves through or we would have scared harry. Though I may say that Tony and this Norman-eh reminds me of a goblin back in Asgard-_- Anyway I hope it doesn't affect their love, I mean it never works when it's like that in Asgard. Maybe I'm wrong, Hopefully. 

Steve POV 

Peter and Harry seen to be having a good time, I'm happy they came over and all the "drama" was settling down.  When we first-ever met Harry they were friends and then best friends. I knew he was a man with good entrenched. There's no doubt in that, I'm glad Tony solved things before they got...more out of hand. I mean the news was wilded. It's...mostly all over now no need to worry{much} Well like Tony said, It doesn't matter what matters is their love for each. how knew Tony would like harry. Oh, he's fond of him, yup, very. They could hours of talking about stuff, mostly embarrassing stories of peter^^ll I sure the others like him too. as much as Tony and I do. 

Harry POV

After that Peter and I were left alone on the couch, It was nice meeting them all and hope they like me^^ll

-"Do you think they like me?" I asked Peter who was laying next to me, he smiles as he cuddled closer to me

-"They love you, har" 

-" I hope so"

-" And if not well is their problem because I love you and that's finally"

I smile as I lean closer to peter faces, 

- "I do to bug" *kiss*

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