(USM) Truth, untold...

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Angst  one-shot. I'm feeling blue and love to make these character suffer. for to later regret my actions. Might delete this later...for now good night..(11:18)

Midtown High was as noisy as ever, people walking to their next class. Chatting off, it was just a normal day. MJ was heading to her next class, History. She had a class with harry and wanted to talk to him about something that been on her mind. She didn't know if today was a good day since whenever she had tried, he was off. She sighed as he walked on, moving by people while holding her books and her backpack on her right shoulder. As soon as he was in her looked around to see if he was there. But to her surprise he was, usually, he would be late and would have already detention from all his tardy but hey. what can anyone do? he's the son of Norman Osborn. She walked to her desk near harry and placed her things down, the teacher wasn't their so everyone was as loud as ever. MJ smiled at harry, "he goes nothinfg..." She scooted near him. "So..Harry, what's up?" she questions as he innocently smiled, "Hey MJ, nothing much. bored" MJ rolled her eyes playfully, "of course, you are. Anyway...hey, I have a question to ask you. I've been meaning to tell you but you've been off" Harry looked at her curiously. "Is that so? well shoot" MJ took a deep breath, "Are..are you dating someone and your not tell me- well Peter and I?" she tilted her head a little to the side, Harry wasn't surprised, no faces expiration nothing this surprised MJ a little. "what? no, as if MJ if I was with someone it would be all over the news" "well yea, but-" "but what?" MJ sighed, "Well you've been sneaking off-like peter...And well I just thought...well yea^^ll" She laughed a little, he was right, knowing Harry, he would have shown her off to the world. in a way she was glad, she managed not to smile and justed nodded. "eh..well now I know" Harry shook his head a little, "Hey, there's the dance coming up, you planning to go anywhere?" harry looked at MJ as if, flirting with her, or at least MJ took it as flirting. " No, I wasn't asked^^ll so I guess am stay home." She looked to the side, In reality, this was the truth, she wanted to go but not alone Harry thought for a bit. "well..wanna be my date?" MJ looked at harry, she felt her cheeks warm up. "i- so-sure" Harry smiled, "Good. Pick you up at 7:00 pm?" MJ was left speechless and just nodded. "Then it's settled." MJ wasn't sure what just happen, she just wanted to ask a question and she was the one left speechless. Deep down though, she was dying. 




After the class was over harry said good-bye to MJ and headed to his next class of the day which was Math. Once again, people were chatting away as they walked to there class. Harry was greeted by some people. Some hello's and small chats, the girls fangirling as he pasted by, it was normal for harry to get all this attention. he was an Osborn, His father was the CEO of oscorp and was a successful man. Harry managed to leave before he was late, for class? heck, not he made sure no one was looking and walked in the janitor closet. of course, no one had the keys for that room, no one was allowed- yet harry had his ways. He closed the door behind him, "missed me?" He looked to his side not turning to face them. "Oh hush, and come here!" they said, harry smiled and looked down, "needed aren't we, Pete?" He finally turns to faces peter who was leaning on the wall. He had his backpack on the floor next to him, his messy brown hair along with his regular clothes. "you take so long, you know what right?-_-" "oh please, look who's saying that?" Peter rolled his eyes as he got walked over to harry. placing his arms warped around his neck, "me." Harry smirk as he placed his hands on peter's hips pulling him closer to him, nearly inches away. "is that so?~" peter lean him touching each other lips for a kiss, peter pulled harry closer to him as the kiss got more passionate harry asked for entry but peter wasn't being easy which lead to harry to squeeze peter's ass, peter gasp by harry's action. This was his chance to enter, not leaving his hand on his ass. Peter smiled as how clear harry, there tounges sweraling around. Everyone was already in class but harry didn't give to shit about it. He didn't care about getting to class he wanted to stay with peter.




Some 'fun' later, they started putting back their clothes back on. Peter still wiping of well ya'know. Harry smirk at peter who lick it all clean, "alright, I'll leave and then you-" "har...why not go back, it's almost lunch time..." Peter asked as he was finished dressing up. Harry shock his head. "pete, remember-" "yea yea...know one can't know"Peter looked quiet sad, he looked away from harry. He's been begging harry for them to not keep it a secret, I mean the spider-man was bwteen them and peter's team but why keep this? Peter knew it would be troublmatce, harry's father at lest. Harry sighed as he kissed peter, "I love you" Peter smiled softly "i know you too, but why harry" harry shock his head as he turn to leave but was stop by peter steping in front if him. "I not gonna go over things peter, you know damn well why" "yea, but it still hurts ya'know." "why would this hurt?-" "You flirting with other girl, asking them out on dates- that hurts. That i'm not able to do that with you." Harry sighed in annoyced, " I need to keep an acted. Besided I told you I would stop asking them out." Peter looked away, "what about MJ?" harry eyes widen, "how-" "you forgot you phone, and I went to give it to you when I hear you. Now don't bring that bullshit on me Osborn." Peter was hurt, harry knew that, peter eyes were getting puffy. "pete.." "you know, We can't keep this up forever..they'll soon know" that was the last cut off peter said, he went over to grab his backpack and things. harry tried to say something but nothing came out. he sighed and walked out, leaving a hurt peter inside. crying, "why..." he covered his eyes as he lean on the wall, crying his pain out.  Some time went on and it was lunch time. Peter manged to wash his faces and look as if he wasn't crying and headed to the cafeteria. He went over to the others, not wanting to see harry nor mj. he looked over to see harry having an arm around MJ. Other people commenting them in "how cute they looked together". Peter bit his lips so hard that it started to bleed. "what the matter webhead? Osborn steal your girl?-" Peter was out of there in seconds, the team looked at sam. "was it something i said?"




Some days later and it was the dance, MJ had manged to get peter out of the house and join her and harry's night, They got their and as soon as they did MJ pulled harry to the dance floor leaving peter siiting down on the tables drink some punch. It left him thinking , He looked around at the couples and yes, he was jeloues but that shouldn't matter. what matters is that harry loves him. Yes he flirted with other girls but he doesn't mean it, he loved him. he finally was all calm and enjoy himself. The music was changed to slow as peter got up and asked ava to dance, they danced but peter wasn't as greasful. They still had fun, as they hear people 'aw' at something they went closer to see what it was. Peter eyes widen as he saw MJ and harry kissing, "Give it up to harry's new girlfriend" flash yelled as everyone cheered. Harry looked at peter who was heartbroken. But he looked away, of course. he was just the "best friend" nothing more peter was to harry in peoples eyes. Peter wanted to yell his feelings but keep it in as he smiled. "congrat guys, I knew you too were gonna end up together!" "Thanks peter-^^-" "yea, thax friend."  and so it was, Harry Osborn new girlfriend, Peter and harry stop seeing each other since it was to risky now. Peter believed harry moved on, knowing their love was just not meant to be.




but deep down harry's  heart it was all a lie, he loved peter with all his heart. he didn't want things to end up like this. but...there was nothing else to do..He now had a girlfriend. and peter was left with a broken heart. Their love never meant to be...what a fool peter thought to himself.

The end,

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