(MSM) death of a hero

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I wrote down the requests and will do them all! 

I had already finished this one so...why, not another angst?

I cried while making this, lol what a crybaby am i right??...

I'm sorry...

warning: another angst, 

Ben turn in confused, the weather was windy but it seem like it was about to rain. he hold onto his father hand as he looked down. A tomstome along with flowers that his father placed mintes before. He didn't get it, only being 3 year old he wasn't sure why his father and him came here everyday. He looked back at his father who was smiling, not a happy one when you smile with joy. no not those he sees his friends when they get pick up by their moms. a smile so sad that you would fool. 

His father wipped the tears that strean down his face. "dad?...why do you cry when we come here?" his father eyes looked at him, he placed his hand to pull him son closer. "Beacuse ben...I miss him.." 'him' who was him? Ben looked down and right back. "dad?" "hm?" his father replied, "Who's 'him'?" His father keenl down to his son level, "your dad." ben tilied his head with more confusion. "but your dad, dad" his father smiled slowly faded, "your too young to remember...but you had another daddy, he was an amazing person." "where is he?" "up with the stars of course. He's now an angle."  ben nodded, "i never knew him...why did he leave daddy? was he sick like anut gwen was?" harry shooked his head,

"your too young for that, but he loved you with all his heart." 





"Peter don't go, it's too dangures." Harry said as he hold onto peter who was about to leave out the open window. "please...stay" Peter smiled softly, "I'll be alright dear, one qucike look and i'll be back-" "you don't understand...I have a bad feeling something bad gonna happen.." Peter got off the window frame and looked at harry more. harry eyes were filled with fear, "stay..." Peter sigh, "fine.." Harry smiled as he pulled peter closer to a huge.



after that they headed home, ben looked out the window as the rain drip down. they stopped at a red light in which ben nothing more the cars. He sighed as he looked down, "what up kiddo?" his father asked as he looked at his son. Ben looked at him, and responded. "yea" the light had turn green and they started to drive again. "you have that look your father had, I know better. what's up?" his father said not looking away from the streets. Ben sighed again, his father always knew. " I just don't get it.." "soon." "when soon?" "soon." "thanks dad..." "any time."





"I need to go-" "peter wait-" "I love you harry, and our baby. But I need to go. they need me" harry looked down, holding their baby close. Peter grabs his suit and gear, the tears in harry's eyes feel down. Peter walked over to harry and kissed him. harry smiled and peter huged them both "we love you too dummy" "ouch, my feeling" they laughed as they shared another kiss. "i'll be waiting." Peter nodded as he left.




years went by and ben was now 10, never breaking tradition. they kept doing back at the graveyard. Ben started to talk to his father, showing him pictures he drew in class, grades and exciting stories. his father loved it all, but ben was still cerouses... it was in school he found

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