(MSM) First meeting

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Author POV

-"Alright Peter, now you stay here while daddy goes on a meeting" Peter smiled as he nodded at his father. Today Tony had a meeting with the CEO of Oscorp and Steve nor the others couldn't babysitter Peter since they went for a mission. Peter sat down on the floor with his toy elephant named, Señor Trunks-^^- he played for a while until he saw his father come back with another man behind him along with a small boy. Peter got up and walked towards his father, 

-"Peter this is Harry, say his Harry," Tony said as he placed peter in front of him. Peter looked at his father then at the boy. the boy- or Harry had hidden his faces again but was now in front of peter when the father peter assumed was his father.

-"Now Harry, say hello to peter." 


Peter smiled as he waved at Harry,

-"Hi, Harwi^^"

Harry didn't know what to do, he never really like talking to other children. Though now, he felt something like he had to protect him. Peter walked closer to him, 

-"This is Señor Trunks! here we can play with him together^^" Peter handed the stuffed elephant to Harry as he walked to the other side. Harry was still frozen, he felt his cheeks burn up as he was Peter and his smile. 

-"Go on Harry, go play with Peter while I'll talk to Peter's father" Peter walked over to harry as he pulled him to the other side along him. Harry was feeling things he never felt before nor toward anybody.

Norman and Tony had been discussing business they'll be working on in the future. Norman turns to see his son playing with the brunette. He was happy to know his boy was having fun with another kid the same age as him. Harry never really had friends and never really talked to anyone at school. Though he was just glad,

_Time Goes BY_

-"Harry, let peter go, he needs to leave-"

-"Nooo>_<, he's mine~,~"


Harry hugged Peter closer to him, Peter just smiled at he hugged harry back 

let's just say they it took them a while TWT

Though that a friendship blossom, Harry keeps his word and protected peter from anyone who tried to hurt him. 

You can say this is bad, yea it is I'm so sorry. I promise to make a remake of it-W-

until then, stay safe and also stay strong<3

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