(Tasm) cheater

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Summary: "if I were you peter...I would leave before you get hurt" Peter never understand why Felicia said that to him when he walked into the elevator...Now he wished he had listened.

(side note: Peter and Harry are dating for at least 3 years, Cheating, Gwen Is in it{I love this character so much please this was just put inTwT} also ...yea, enjoy!)

Peter POV

Today I got permission to leave early at the Daily Bugle, honestly, I'm glad I am out of there. Aunt May asked me why do I still work there if I don't like it, even Gwen started asking me that. Now mentioning it Gwen been asking me a lot of questions, random ones too like. 

-"What time do you leave work?" or "When do you visit Harry, is it often?" I was confused why she asked me that but, na she's Gwen probably means nothing. Hm..Harry has been also acting weird too. I mean just the little things he does is just..so weird, he's must be stressed overwork.  he's been staying late at work so maybe is that. There's always an explanation to everything, I smile as I head in the tall building. I spot Felicia at the main entrance, she usually at her desk but oh well. 

-"Felicia^^" I greet her, she looks a little shook but smiles back at me.

-"Ah, Mr. Pa-...I mean Peter, what brings you here??" I can tell she's nervous, 

-" oh, I was about to see Harry, is he busy?? I wasn't sure if he had a meeting or.." shoot now thinking about it, I've should have called Felicia to see if he was busy...I don't remember him telling this morning if he was busy-W-ll dang it. Felicia looks at me and say's 

-"No, he's not "busy," She said, I sigh in relief that he wasn't, 

-"phew that god, I was worried that he was^^anyway I'll go up and see him. thank Felicia and bye" I turn to face the elevators as I walked over there, I pressed the button and was about to head in when I see Felicia, she seems...scared

-"If I were you peter...I would leave before you get hurt..." 

-" wait-what??-" But I was too late, when I said that I had entered the elevator, the doors closed before I asked her why, "Before I get hurt?? weird.." I thought to myself as I looked down, I pressed the button to head to Harry offices floor, it was also the floor near Gwens. "after I go see harry and ask him about Felicia than I'll go see how's Gwen doing" The door open as I stepped put.

I walked past some people and also dumped into a man I recognized at the person I saved that day...Max? I apologized as I head to Harry's, His door always open and I didn't bother to knock, "Man, I just want to see him and tell him how much I lo-" My thoughts were stopped as I open the door...


I frozen..I felt my world break into pieces...My eyes open winded as I felt tears appearing 


there Harry was...In his offices with-Gwen, both half-naked...kissing, I figured they hadn't heard me open the door since Harry looked at me with shock pulling away from Gwen, She looked at him then at me. She gasped as she grabbed her shirt

-" I-I can explain," Harry said to me, Gwen grabbed her things and head out not before saying sorry, I looked at harry. Not knowing what do to, should I leave...Should I let him explain. of course, he has too, Why the hell is he cheating on me with GWEN FOR GOD SAKE.

-" Look dear-" 

-"don't call me that. Explain yourself" Harry opened his mouth again but I cut him off 

-" and it better be good." 

-"....I-I...fuck..Peter, I'm sorry, I didn't-"

-" What??? you got tired of me and decided to go Fuck around with my best friend!?"


"save it, Osborn. I'm done" 

-"I didn't want things to end like this-"

-" BUT YOU DID WANT TO END!?...." I turn away as I stepped out the door

-" I honestly thought you were better than this Harry, THAT YOU LOVE ME!!.... Turns out your just like your father after all." and I left. wiping my tears away I head to the elevator, when I got out I saw Felicia with an "I'm sorry" look...I turn to see her

I wished I listen to her.....

(I hope you all enjoyed it, i didn't know what to put so I plcaed a song^^ll untile then stay safe and stay strong❤)

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