(MSM) Secrets Lovers

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Summary: Hogwarts Au

yeah, one direction....don't judge lol, again I'm sorry I haven't been writing, NO! I'm never gonna stop with this book^^ 

request by  @Slytherin_2031, Sorry I haven't been posting... again,sorry.. request are always welcome please don't be afraid^^ll. I'll try to get back on writing still have one requested to write😅.......

"Bloody hell!"  peter yelled out loud as he walked back and forth on the carpet. Miles was sitting on the chair near the fireplaces while he munched on a chocolate chip cookie. "How could he be such a git!?"  peter huffed in anger. They were at the common rooms of  Gryffindor after the income of harry and his gang peter needed some time.

Miles looked at peter, "so what? he called you a named so what??-" peter turn to look at miles, he rushed over to him. "just called me a named!? He insulted MJ and also!-...." If you saw Peter at that moment he closed his mouth like he was about to explore a secret. "Also? what?" Miles said, "He-um...also-HE also called you a fatass!" 

Poor cookie cuz miles spit out the crumbs. "He what!?" miles then started to rant how ugly and mean Harry was. Peter sighed as he Nearly dodged a bullet. He sat down on the chair sighing as he looked to the side.






Some days later, Anya and Gwen were waiting for the boys at the great hall for dinner. Gwen was chatting with another Gryffindor while Anya was reading a position book. Though some times later she finished it down and looked around. "I don't see the boys..." she said softly but enough for Gwen to hear.

Gwen nodded, the other Gryffindor who was a (girl or boy) name (Y/N), (hey you in it-w-"Maybe they had something to do?" You said. Gwen again nodded but Anya shook her head "something wrong here" Gwen and you tilted your heads a little in confusion. "What makes you say that?" You responded. Anya sighed as he explains, "You see over there at the Slytherins table?" Both you and Gwen nodded "And You see that nor harry nor his gang is there?" again both of you nodded. "Oh! I get it" Gwen said, "But where could they be?" you also said, Anya thought for a moment before standing up. 

both of you and Gwen followed closely out of the great hall, you guys didn't walk far before you hear an argument. all three you turned the corner and their peter was arguing with no other harry Osborn. 

peter seems really mad, he with MJ who was grabbing onto his arm.  "I can't believe you need a girl to defend you parker." Harry mocked as the two guys with him laughed, "Shove of Osborn! I had enough of you!" Peter turns to walked away when MJ Spoke up, "Leave Peter alright Harry! It's not our fault your jealous of peter and me!" She sticks her young out at harry and then turns away pulling peter with her. 

Peter was shocked at this as he was dragged away





Miles POV 

"Merlan's sake! where the hell is parker!?" flash said as he throws his from stick to the ground, "Now now flash, hold all of that anger for practices, Morales!" I turn to faces the teacher "Go checked if he's in the dresser" I nodded "I will!" I ran to the lockers before I opened the door though I yelled for him, "Peter?? You in there??" I said as I tried to open the door but somehow it was locked. I tried it again but nothing it was then Peter open the door. 

"I'm coming!" he said, "you ok Pete? You were talking long. everyone waiting for you" peter nervously laughs as he fixes himself, "yea yea, I'm ok, l-l-let's go!-" before he left I grabbed him, "wait..." 

By the way, he was acting, I knew something was wrong, "hm..." "t-there's- w-what miles^^ll??" I looked at him closely, He moves a little for me not to see his neck when I realized...



"You have a ladybug on your shoulder"

Peter was frozen for a bit when he looked at his shoulder, 






Anya POV 

"stop stop stop stop stop stop stop." 

"what anya??" Peter said to me as he lowes his wand. "you're doing it all wrong, you do it like this!" I started to show him the RIGHT but by the time I finished he was gone. "peter??" I turn around to see him but he was there. I get up to go look for him, "where on earth did he go now??" 

I was about to open a closest but stopped by self, "why the hell would he be there??" I sigh as I went somewhere else, Later on I came back and there he was. "Where were you anya?? I was waiting for you" I turn to my sides and back at him, "Where was I?? Where were you!?" "shhh! don't yell where in the library!" I sigh once again as I sit down, "Hmmm..." 





Gwen POV 

Peter and I were supposed to help (y/n) with the test that was coming on that week, He said he was going to the restroom but, "I'm sure he'll be back Gwen" (Y/N) said, I nodded "I know, but he taking so long and It's about time to head to sleep." "Oh! well! that just means we'll have to do this some other time!-" 

"not so fast (y/n) just because peter isn't here doesn't mean we aren't gonna study." "great-_" I just hope he's alright, miles and the other have said he's been acting so...weird. I think to myself. "(y/n)! stop reading fanfiction!" "no!>:^"






Peter POV 

I know it's bad...but I've had a good reason! well...for us, I've been ditching the others for-

"yo! earth to peter??" I shake my thoughts away as I looked at the person in front of me, "I've been talking to you" "s-sorry harry.." yea...it's him, He expression softened as he placed his hand on my cheek which I melt from the touch. 

"what's wrong, bug?" he tells me I sigh as I lean onto his chest, "I don't like it that we have to keep this a serect.." he pulled me closer to him, "I hate it too Pete...but you know.." I sigh again as I raise my head to look at him. "I know.." He smiles softly as he kisses my nose, 

"I've missed you so much that you have no ideas." He tells me, I giggle as I wrap my arms around him pulling him down a bit. "oh yeah? I think I have sort of an Idea~" I purr to him as I kiss his lips, him pinning me to the wall against me while kissing me back. 




MJ pov

The others and I were looking for peter who what have told me been acting wired. I had plans for us to spend it together but clearly it wasn't going to happen. I did have an idea, "what if...he's with harry" I say without really knowing I did, the girls looked at me, "what!? why the hell would he be with him!?" Anya says/yells at me-_-, Gwen nods, and miles not even in it just eating cookies, god when will he stop...(never>:^)

"I-I don't know ok...I just...your right" she's right, why the hell would he be with him, they hate each other. It's not like they like each other or anything. "maybe he's that way" Gwen says as we all walk away, I turn to see a room we haven't checked but my gut told me it wasn't gonna be nice so...why bother??.


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