{Angst SSM}Just a nightmare...

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 I've been having some nightmares lately and one was really bad, soo to take my mind of it I wrote down an Angst parksborn one-shot! yay! I love my life -^^- as mention request are always welcome^^ll I may...or may not make a part two though, also listening to prom queen and also prom dress while writing more stories! I'm not even a senior-BUT! yea^^

enjoy. (sorry if this is confusing...)

Peter was sweating, he was turning left in right on his bed until he opens his eyes and stood up real quick. He panted really fast as if he couldn't breathe he placed his hands on his faces trying to calm himself down. He tried not to cry, he really tried too, but he couldn't control himself he had that same nightmare again, 





It started by peter with his suit on but without his mask, face to face with the green goblin but it wasn't norman, nope it was harry . They were fighting on top of a very high rooftop, peter tried to call harry to stop but it is seen as his harry wasn't himself...peter had a hand on his stomach trying to not bleed out from a stab wound he got from harry.

"Harry! I know your in there! please stop! let's end this!" he shouted at harry who was on his glider.

harry laughed at him "God peter, your suck a fool if you think I'll stop!" He laughed some more then he looked at peter even getting of the glider to walked towards peter, "you took everything away from me! my father, friends, MY GIRLFRIEND!?" 

Peter tried to get up but was once again down from his star wound. Harry shook his head as he bent down grabbing peter feces to faces him. "tell me~ was this worth it?~" Peter looked at harry eyes, they were full of anger and insanity, Peter tried to say something but harry other hand went over to his hand that holding his stomach and pressed harder on his causing peter to yell in pain, " I think don't" Harry said

It took peter moments before trying to talk but harry was already up, peter was curled into a ball from the pain he was in, harry turn around but stopped, "h-harry p-please, I-I it's not like t-that!" he pleased as he manages to speak. Harry stays still, peter tried to get up again in which he manages too still hold his stomach, blood all over, "Harry, please! I didn't mean anything to your father! I didn't want your friends nor Gwen! I didn't take her harry! I don't love her-" 
"Oh please!" harry said as he turns to peter, "Stop fucking lying for once Parker! I know you did, you liked her and you took her from me!-" "No! I didn't harry!" peter cried out, 

"I don't know why she broke up with you but I don't love her!-" "what about that kiss? hu? when I left you and Gwen kissed!?? or what?? your gonna tell me I was seeing wrong??!" Peter closed his eyes already tired of this, "HARRY! listen-" "no!" Harry said, "I'm done, with your fucking lies parker! I'm FUCKING DONE!" harry tried to leaves but peter web his left feet, Harry tried to leave though he couldn't "GRRR! get this fucking thing off! now parker!" he yelled at peter, 

"You know I'm right harry! Yes! I screw up! yes, I kissed Gwen but I don't love her, I never have! yes, I fucked up! yes...my fault your father dead and yes! I took your friends- but I didn't mean to harry! I never wanted to hurt you!-" Harry rolled his eyes, peter was frustrated as he walked over to him, "har...please" harry looked cold, he hated peter and nothing was gonna change that, "har...I-" "don't fucking say it." "I love you." harry manage to get his feet out, "I don't." he turn around to walked to his glider, peter was broken, "nothing gonna change anything peter. I'm glad your know you fucked up but I'm done." 

Peter saw harry looked at him from the last time as he left on his glider not even finishing was he was gonna do. Peter fell on his knees as pain truck him again, at that moment rain was falling down the sky, as peter cried.







tears falling down his cheeks, he wiped them off trying to compose himself but moved to hard causing a sharp pain in his stomach, he placed hand his wound which was stitch up and wrap in bandages. "I'm sorry harry..." he sobbed, "I'm sorry!" 

peter laid back from, feeling the cold air from outside hit him as he cried himself to sleep. 

with harry outside his window, listening to peter...


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