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Isabelle's Pov-

My dad's red masserati was outside, which means that he's inside the house, weird, i haven't seen him for a few days. I open the door wide open and close it behind me feeling the tension in the air. How weird it is, when you are at your own house and you don't even feel like your at home.. unsafe and untrustworthy.

I slowly crept up in the kitchen the smell of alcohol filled in the air, checking to see if my dad was there and okay

"what are you looking at? come here" his gruff voice echoes through the kitchen, making me silently step in the kitchen and walk towards him. He was sitting down soundlessly on the chair drinking whiskey as he points at the chair next to me, as I immediately sit, too tired to even argue.

"where were you? these past few days you haven't cooked anything for me, leaving your own father starve!" He fumed his nostrils flaring, as he slowly starts to stand up. My breathing starts becoming unsteady and my palms feel sweaty

"Such a slut! going at the club, all my friends were staring at you, and they told me what they did, you know what I said?" His breath coming close to my face, making me shake my head no as I start to slowly panic, feeling as if I cant breath, as if someone was choking me. I need my inhaler

"I said, thank you!" he roared and slammed his fist on the table in front of me making me flinch. A pulse beating in my ears, blocking out all the sound

"she deserves it" he thundered, the whole house trembling from his roaring voice, I quickly stand up, as I cant bare to stand in front of him

"where do you think you're going? stupid small girl" he demanded barking as he pushes me to the fridge with all his power, as I feel a stinging pain form on my wound and now my back, yelping in pain

"mu-m wouldn't be happ-y if she saw you like this" I blurt out, His muscles growing tense and he cracks his knuckles. His body temperature rising, and I could feel his blood boiling.

"don't you talk about your Mum!" he yells in my ears, his face red, veins bulging out of his head as he unexpectedly grabs my wrist and squeezes it as hard as he can

"Dad stop!" I whimper my knees get weaker, it felt as if he tied a string around my wrist and pulled it as hard as he could, making my hand slowly go numb from the pressure. Tears start forming in my eyes as I yelp, his eyes getting enraged every time he scowls at me. I try to stand up before anything else could happen, I try to run away, but with my weak knees; my body stays frozen, a searing pain forming in my heart as I expected the worse

"I wish you died instead of your mother and brother! you useless piece of shit! he Thundered Clenching his fists so hard that his nails cut into his skin, and before I knew it; His fist crashed against my face, knocking me to the cold floor, my skull vibrating painfully as I smashed into the hard ground. An Electrifying pain coursed through me making my body go numb. The sound of wailing and suffering echoed throughout the house, as I hear the front door slam, leaving me alone, in a poodle full of tears.

after about 5 minutes I try to stand up, keeping my movements slow and steady, as I feel my head spin, an agonizing pain erupting on my cheek. I slowly step up the stairs, getting to my room as I tiredly lock the door, crashing my body on the door sliding down as my body wracked with an attack of sobs and tears, hugging my legs as tears of pain ran down my cheeks. I cant do this anymore, I mumble

" I cant" I wailed closing my bedroom lights and collapsed into a deep sleep

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