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"Let me know when you want to be picked up okay?" Ander whispers beside my ear as he lightly places his lips on mine, feeling my mouth curve into a smile as i let go

"Have a good day love" he slowly whispers, giving me shivers

"I like it when you call me love" I whisper as I give him a quick peck. I get out of the car as I face the cafe.

Okay, this is it. Hopefully everything goes well.

i glance up to Ander who was sitting in the car; to see him giving me a big smile with a thumbs up. Making me giggle at the silly sight in front of me. I blow him a kiss and turn around, ready to start my new job.


"And this is where the sugar is.." Elsa points at the vintage sugar jar, making me nod

"So that's where everything is, and I explained to you how everything is made.. If you need any help ill be inside the office"
She points at a large wooden door next to the kitchen which has a hanger that says "staff only"

"And the other kid will be here shortly, he'll help you out"
she politely smiles and leaves the bar. Leaving me alone with nothing else to do, just wait for the costumers to come and order.

Suddenly a young 14 year old comes to the bar; "I want a chocolate milkshake" she narcissistically says
"Okayy, would you like some whipped cream on top?" I kindly ask

"Duh" she replies as she stares at her phone. Well okay, wonderful first costumer. How kind

"Here it is. It'll be 4,95" I give her a polite smile as she gives me 5 euros in return.

"keep the change" she proudly comments as she sips her drink and walks away. Making my eyes roll but also smile at how silly this is.

"I swear teens now days are so weird, they act as if they're 19 or something and its so funny to see"
A familiar voice coming from the kitchen echoes. Making me turn around to be faced with the one and only; Mateo.

He works here?! he is wearing the same uniform I'm wearing as
He is now standing in the cashier next to me, I stand in shock as I remember Guzman's words. "Don't get close to him, he is dangerous"

"Yes i do work here. Shocked much?" he snickered as he takes the order of another costumer. Reminding me that I also have a costumer waiting for service

"Hi, im sorry for the wait, what would you like to get?" I smile as I swallow the lump in my throat, this is going to be a weird experience.


"Okay guys, that's it for today. My Isabella you can start on Monday and work the whole week, but not the weekend, I know how some of you teenagers are" She laughs, making me giggle
"Alright, thank you" i reply as she walks towards the exit, probably cleaning the outside tables

I quickly grab my phone and text Ander to come pick me up before Mateo's figure comes in front of me

"Hey" Mateos voice interrupts my thinking as he comes closer to me, removing his working hat and gloves

"Im sorry about last time, I shouldn't have been so harsh to you" he says, as i just stare away and nod my head.

This is a habit of mine, but whenever something was wrong with anything, i couldn't look into people's eyes.

"It's fine..I'm leaving, bye" i coldly reply and leave as fast as i can, not giving him a chance to say anything else.

Heading outside i quickly jogged to the very front of the road, trying to check if Ander is here. But there is no sight of him

"Hunny! Go inside, it's going to start raining soon!" Elsa exclaims as i nod my head no

"its fine, my ride is here!" I reply as i feel rain touching my head and arms

Shit, I'm not going back inside. And the last thing i want is Ander to see Mateo and find out I'm working with him.

Suddenly Ander's car pulls up right in front of me as i let out a sigh or relief

"What are you doing out in the rain!" Ander asks me as he raises his eyebrows. I quickly get in the car

"I don't know, i needed some fresh air" i reply, as he presses the gas pedal and starts speeding off home.

He lets out a loud puff of air before continuing
"How was your first day... love?" He kindly asks, knowing what he was he was doing to me

"Oh stop" i giggle as i take a hold of his strong arm, i loved it.

"It was really good, i love it there.. you know, i love the vibes, and also Elsa let me play my indie playlist so thats good" i reply to him as i smile to myself.
I loved the job overall it was great.. apart from Mateo.

"Im glad my love" he comments, as he put his shoulder around mine and brought my head up to his lips, giving me a sweet kiss on my forehead.

As i noticed that we were now stopped on the red light i can't help but do one thing I've been dreading to do;
Kiss him

He was gentle and firm as he pulled me in, burning my lips with his mouth as i knot my fingers in his hair, getting lost in the moment

*BEEP BEEP* cars pulled up from behind us as they keep beeping over and over again
"Oh shit" Ander says as his smiling eyes searched mine before quickly glancing at my lips

"Oh! Just a fucking couple! Can't you fuckenuggets do this another time!" An elderly man shouts from his window as he just stands and stares at us, making it awkward for all of us, as no one replies.

Me and Ander try to suppress our laughter as we just stare at the front, We start moving again making the cars stop beeping and the older man leave our side.

Suddenly both of us started laughing hysterically as we couldn't help but let it all out.  "Fuck-nug-gets?" I say as i try to catch my breath

I glance up at Ander as he threw back his head and let out a loud humorless laugh, crossing his arms over his stomach in attempt to catch his breath

"What are you looking at?" He breathes as he chuckles , his eyes sparking with happiness

"Nothing" i simply replied, but what i really wanted to say is that from that moment every time i look at him i see the rest of my life in front of my eyes.

"Ey what you thinking? you fucknugget" He jokes making me laugh as we head to a place i can finally call home.

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