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"You know you're the number one suspect right!?" Ander's yell echoes the house as I pack my bag hurriedly, trying to get away from it all.

"And what! You believe them?!" I point my hand at him as I angrily let out puffs of air. How can the one person I love and trust the most just suddenly turn his back on me?

Everyone has been very distant with me for the last few weeks. Guzman once passed by me with the car, glaring at me before spitting on my feet. Samuel and the others weren't that talkative either, but still smiled and respected me.

But, on the other hand.. one day as I was working, Carla and Polo were sitting in the café while I worked. Polo looked nervous as ever as Carla confidently smirked up at me, which was weird as she never even glanced up at me before.

And to make things better, she even looks happier now! It's as if Marina's death made her glow up and become a happier version of herself... fucking bitch.

Me and Ander have been arguing non-stop as I believe that both of us have been hurt a lot in this situation and all we need to do is take a break.

"Yes! Maybe I do!" He comes up to my face as I feel my eyes widen in shock.
That's it; I rushed over to the closet and took all my stuff out, making sure I didn't leave anything behind.

"What. You didn't kill her? Why were you the first person on top of her? Crying?" He mocked as I feel my eyes glisten with tears. I'm not letting him ruin me. I close my eyes and mouth shut as I don't respond, hopefully he understands that the bullshit he is saying is hurting me.

"Is there someone else that you think killed her?" he teased  "huh? Answer!" he yells as he grabs my shoulder tightly.

I shake my head before I turn to face him, wiping my tears with my shaking hands.

"Yes Ander yes! why would I even want to kill my own best friend!?" I Screamed in his face

"WHO IS IT HUH? WHO!" He yells back at me as I drift my eyes away from him, making the room go silent before I speak up

"Polo" I confess
I look at him to see his lips turn into a mocking smile, as he thinks that I'm joking around. His lips immediately turn into a straight line as his eyes turned grey, as if he just lost all the respect he had of me.

"Leave" he commanded. I feel my mouth slowly opening in shock as my heart drops to the ground.

"Can't you hear me? Pack your shit and get the fuck out of my sight!" He belted as he pointed at the door.

I quickly started packing more stuff in my bag "I'm leaving, can't you see?" I hiss at him, quickly revealing the letter which I wrote everything that's been on my mind these days for him; including where I was headed to.

I quickly place it on the stool next to his bed as he angrily stood by me.

I quickly zip my messy bag as I started to walk to the other side of the room

"Remember...where you promised that you would never hurt me..?" I mumbled

"I guess my mess is my own mess now, cause I really fucking wish I never met you" I blurt out "And I fucking miss the old you, but I'm not even gonna try to bring the old you back, cause I'll be gone.. so far away, this will probably be the last time you ever see me" I whisper as tears rolled down my cheeks

"We were a fucking mess, you and I. But the truth is, you fascinated me more than anyone! You! made me feel like being a mess was something beautiful, and I refuse to apologize for being a mess cause this is me" I pause as I take deep breaths looking deep into his lost eyes.

"I'm a fucking mess that you can't fix" I breathe as his emotionless eyes were on the floor.

"Goodbye Ander.. and even though I hate to say this.."

"I love you and I will miss you" I whisper and shut the door close.


Ander's Pov---

"FUCK!" I yell as I grab one of the vases Isabelle gifted to my mum and slammed it down on the ground, breaking it into tiny little pieces.

I walk over to my stool and take the paper Isabelle gave me. I furiously walked into the toilet ripping it in tiny pieces just like the vase before I flushed it away. Not regretting it one bit, it felt as if all my pain was gone, and i couldn't care less about where she has gone. My mind screamed in pain as i wondered why burning pain licked up the sole of my feet.

I look down to see a small pool of blood smudged over my feet as I stepped on the glass, But still.. I Couldn't care less.

I crunch down the sink and look at my reflection, my blood-shot eyes were deep black as I can't help but despise what I'm seeing in front of me.

It's not what my mother sees, or my friend's see, or even Isabella.. Instead of the always, happy outgoing Ander I saw a lonely boy lighting 12 cigarettes a day in his room as he drinks whiskey to forget the pain.

My eyes roam critically from one to another as I feel my vision become blurry. I'm slowly loosing everyone and there's nothing I can do about it.

And without a second passing, I let the flood of rushing tears escape from my eyes as I fall onto the floor.

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