1. taking a liking

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'it's so cold!' i think to myself as i quickly run my hands up and down along my arms. a vain attempt to keep warm. my footsteps quicken as i grow closer to my house and even quicker when i pass this sketchy alley.

i hear a whimper in the darkness.

i whipped my head around so quickly my neck ached, both worried, if it was an animal and scared, that it was a trap.

i started walking into the alley even though it's a stupid because i won't forgive myself if i leave a poor helpless animal to die. as i near though, the whimpers die down.

this was no animal. i knew by this clue that it must have been a hybrid. it was too dark to see so i called out to it, "hello?" hoping to get the hybrid to realize that i am a female and therefore generally more safe than a man.

(i say this because it's a proven fact that men are stronger than women, which is why a decent amount of men end up being abusers, rapists, etc. against both women and men)

for a moment i actually believe i was just hearing things until i finally hear the voice saying "please leave.. he will see you."

i sigh sadly. i hold out some snacks from my bag and see a big hand with a silver ring on it scaredly snatch them from my hand. "i'll go, but i'll check on you tomorrow, okay?" i offer.

"i'll be here, will you bring food again?" he asks quietly and i 'say of course' with a smile.

"stay safe" i say before walking out of the alley and home. once i got there i got ready for bed but as i tuck myself in bed i realize how not tired i am, just worried about the poor hybrid. who's 'he'?

despite thinking that, two minutes later i was fast asleep.

the sun shines down and one of its rays shoots me right in the eye which causes me to wake up. i groan but then realize i have to go back to work, somewhat excited to visit all of the hybrids at the clinic.

once i was dressed in simple jeans and a tank top, i threw on my light grey hoodie and tennis shoes and started walking to work.

when i'm about to pass the alley i start walking slower and listen for any whimpers but when there are none i start to worry and enter the alley like i did last night. this time, in broad daylight, i can see that the hybrid has left already.

i let out a sigh and continue walking to my job, wondering if the hybrid was stolen or if he simply found another place. or if 'he' had him in the mornings.

"hey y/n!" i hear namjoon say as i walk in the front door. "hi joonie!!" i say as i run over and give him a much needed hug. he hadn't been at work due to being sick.

"that's oppa to you kiddo" he sasses as i let go of him. "you're not old enough to call me 'kiddo'" i laugh and put on the little black waist apron and put my jacket away.

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