19. acting... different

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"hey, babe, you know how we are boyfriend and girlfriend now?" jimin said slyly. his tail whipped back and forth playfully as he smirked at me.

"of course i know, what's up?" i questioned. where was he going with this?

"well. i was thinking and i want something that will show people that you're mine!" jimin said excitedly.

"like what? a shirt with you on it?" i asked naively. i really didn't know where this conversation was going. did he want me to wear a shirt of him all the time?

he scoffed. "no! like a collar!"

you what?

"what? i'm not a hybrid jimin, that's-" i started, embarrassed. people would think i am weird if i wore a collar. i'm a human!

"who cares if you're not a hybrid? you're mine now and i want everyone to know. so a collar will do!" jimin said. he seemed pretty possessive at the moment.

"i'm sorry i refuse to wear a collar. i'm gonna get looks... how about a bracelet or something?" i offered, trying to persuade him.

he huffed again. "it's not the same. other hybrids need to know that you have a mate." he pouted.

his cheeks flushed and his ears perked up when he heard that word come out of his mouth. it was so sudden.

"i'm- i'm your mate?" i asked curiously. we had never talked about that before. not that i really minded.

"y-yea. i think so! now that i think about it, you don't need a collar. forget that, there's something better." he grinned.

"well, i'll see you around little one. i love you! he said as he galloped to jungkooks room.

little one? this kitty will be the death of me.

i was relieved that he had given up on the collar idea. there was no way i would be doing that. but what was this new epiphany? should i be worried?

taehyung exited his and jungkook's room a minute later. he looked confused.

"what's up, tae?" i questioned.

"jimin just kicked me out. said it was important." he shrugged and plopped down onto the couch. "hey, would you wanna invite everyone to go out for dinner later? jungkooks been begging me. he misses yoongi or something."

"yea! i'll text the guys right now. that's actually a good idea." i smiled, taking out my phone.


hey, wanna go to dinner with :me
tae and i later? we miss you guys!

namjoon: yea, jin and i are down

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