16. group movie night

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how did i find the perfect gif for this imagine, it was a total coincidence)

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how did i find the perfect gif for this imagine, it was a total coincidence)

things had been smooth for a while now. eventually hoseok and yoongi officially met jungkook and taehyung. we all started having movie night every friday at our house.

this would be the fourth time.

"are you sure you're okay with them coming? they can be a lot, especially seokjin-" i started but hoseok cut me off.

"of course! we don't mind. the more the merrier" he confirmed.

essentially seokjin was inviting himself and namjoon over but i didn't want to make the others feel awkward.

"okay i'll call them" i said before walking to the kitchen for some privacy.

"hey y/n!" he replied happily.

"hi jin! they said you guys could come. we are going to start the movie soon so hurry. wear something comfy!" i said. he said they would be here soon.

two arms wrapped around me.

"hey, jimin. what's up?" i questioned.

"yoongi told me we are watching a scary movie. is that true?" he said nervously.

"yea! are you uncomfortable with that? we can watch something else i'd you'd like."

"no! it's okay. what happens if i get too scared?"

"you can sit with me. i'll keep you safe. don't worry!" i smiled at him. he smiled back with those plump lips. i gave him a peck.

i wasn't really sure what jimin and i were at this point. i mean of course we kissed and stuff but only pecks here and there. and we said 'i love you'

were we boyfriend and girlfriend? i had no idea. i'm waiting for jimin to come to me for that one.

we walked back into the living room to see that the pizza had arrived and was placed on the table along with some drinks.

within five minutes there was a knock at the door. i ran over and opened it to reveal namjoon and seokjin.

"hi guys! come in!" i said excitedly.

they hugged me and then the three hybrids ran up and hugged them as well. jungkook thumped is leg, of course. the two kitties just purred lightly as the guys pet their heads.

"this is seokjin and namjoon" i introduced.

everyone greeted them and they joined everyone on the couch. pretty quickly they got talking to tae and hoseok.

we started the movie and jimin curled into my side. yoongi sat on my other side with hoseok and hugged me now and then.

yoongi seemed to really like the scariness. he wasn't fazed at all.

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