4. kiss goodnight?

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when i got back to jimin's room i could see them both sitting, criss-cross, on his bed.

they were drawing with the supplies they found in the drawers and were showing their artwork to each other.

"what's up guys? i heard you needed me" i smile and walk over.

"can jimin spend the night with us? i wanna show him your house and we can all watch movies together!" jungkook asked enthusiastically. they were both practically jumping out of their skin at the idea.

"i should ask my boss. jungkook is allowed to spend the night with me because i found him on my own time and it's good for him to stay with whoever found him first for a bit.

but i'm not sure if i'm allowed to bring jimin home. only because i wasn't the one who encountered him. the company did" i smile sheepishly. of course i want them to be able to sleep over at my house but i just don't want to get in trouble with corporate.

their ears flatten against their hands and they look at me pleadingly, whining. "i'll email my boss and if he says yes then we for sure will" this seems to be enough for them for now.

i leave the room and they continue drawing.

"hey joon? do you think boss would let me bring those two home for a sleepover? they are begging" i ask curiously.

"i'm not sure. why can't they have a sleepover here?" he says pondering if it's a good idea to ask or not.

"kook really wants to show him my house and watch movies together. i also don't want to tell them to do it here incase jungkook thinks i'm trying to get rid of him already. he has issues with that" i frown but head over to the computer at the front desk anyways.

i type away until i feel a tug on my t-shirt sleeve. "huh?"

our youngest hybrid, probably like 8 although acts younger, is looking up at me, his tail swinging back and forth aggressively.

"oh hey yoongi. what's up?" i scratch his ears and his mood seems to lighten as he purrs.

"i haven't seen you lately noona" he pouts, crossing his arms.

"i'm sorry buddy. i'm going to finish up this email really quick and then we can go play, okay?" i speak softly. he just nods and climbs onto my lap.

once i send the email to my boss i pick him up and carry him to his room where we color and play with his toys. he's adorable. he was the first ever hybrid that i got attached to and wanted to adopt but legally i'm not old enough to adopt a hybrid this young. just off by a couple years.

he will find the right owner though, i know it.

so far he's rejected plenty of people looking to adopt a younger hybrid. he's so picky.

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