6. promises

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when we got to my house jimin was quick to make a comment about how nice it was, just like jungkook did. again, it was just because they had never really been in this setting but it was still nice to hear.

i found it quite cute when their eyes lit up.

basically what happened was they ran around the house for a little bit while i made food and when we were done we sat down for a movie.

"what do you guys wanna watch?" i asked.

jungkook replied so quick it almost made my head spin. "can we watch cinderella again? please??" jungkook begged.

"how about we watch a new one this time? i think you guys would like tangled. it's kinda similar and it's by the same company!" jungkook agreed and jimin sat there confused. he obviously hadn't experienced this before and honestly he was jealous that jungkook got to experience it with her first.

it hurt me a little inside to know that their childhoods were stripped of them. i think that's why they are still so childish despite being around my age. it's a coping mechanism for both humans and adults.

at this i pet both of their heads and give them both a quick hug. they were both confused at this but i think jungkook somewhat got the idea of it because he smiled at me and tucked a piece of hair behind my ear.

jimin was just jimin and stayed holding on to my side, being his clingy self. jimin must have had it pretty rough. he was worse than jungkook but at least he was learning. and not that i didn't like his clingy and childlike self.

anyway, i put on tangled and sang along as they tried to learn the lyrics while it was playing.

at the end we were all crying a little. first out of sadness and then happiness, and then we all cried of both again when jimin said,

"this is like us!! you're our eugene and we are your punzel! you saved us just like the movie!" he gripped onto me really hard and i chuckled through sobs as he messed up repunzel's name. jungkook and i held him and each other for a long time.

"i will always be here for you guys. even when you get adopted by the people you're meant to be with. i'll always be here if you need anything. never hesitate to call. and please visit.

i hope you won't forget me" i say as we finish up crying.

"we will never forget you y/n! we love you! you will always be our first real encounter with someone who cares. we can visit you all the time! we won't go anywhere!" jungkook said as if it were that simple. it really wasn't, but i didn't want to dampen the mood again so i just looked at them lovingly. oh how i wish it were.

jimin had a different expression on his face. i couldn't read it though. so i let it be.

i tucked them into the bed in the guest bedroom once we all got ready to sleep but ten minutes later they were outside my bedroom door insisting that they had to sleep with me because they were scared mother gothel would take them.

i let them in and they snuggled into my side.

i could tell when they came in that wasn't the real reason by the look on their faces but again, i gave into their shenanigans. all i ever want them to be is happy. i'll do whatever it takes for that.

we all cuddled and poked at each other and giggled for a bit before we finally fell asleep late into the night.

"we never loved you! are you kidding?" he laughed, pointing his finger at me.

their new owner smirked at me as she led them away.

"we just used you because you were kind! you're pathetic and weak. anyone could walk all over you if they wanted. the other one yelled aggressively.

i fell to the sidewalk and the rain poured down on me. i'll never see them again...

i gasped as i woke up. the two were still holding onto me as i breathed heavily. tears rolled out of my eyes and i could faintly hear my heartbeat. it was a nightmare. i hope.

"hey, are you okay?" i heard a whisper from my left. he reached out and brushed my tears away with his slightly calloused thumb.

"i'm okay jimin. go back to sleep, love" i rubbed my thumb in his hand when i pulled it into mine.

"it was a nightmare, huh? do you want to talk about it?" he asked carefully. i said no thanks and he cuddled really close into my chest.

"i'll never leave you. i promise" he said. how'd he know? it shook me up to think about it which distracted me from the genuinely sweet concept that he had going. what a shame.

we slept in pretty late and cuddled for even longer. only when i began to feel hungry did i get up to go make us all breakfast. we all had ham and cheese omelettes and i got them dressed and ready to go.

"i don't want to go back!" jimin whined, crossing his arms over his chest.

"come on jimin. you can have a sleepover another time. if i don't bring you back they will thing i kidnapped you and i'll never even get the chance to let you come over again" i explained.

he frowned but walked out the door with jungkook anyway. i quickly caught up after locking it and we set off for the clinic.

when we arrived jimin begrudgingly went to his room and brought jungkook with. i spent a while with my little yoongi in his room and after, i hung out with seokjin and namjoon outside with the others.

i told them my plan and they looked so happy for me. they know how hard it was on me when we found out that yoongi was too young for someone my age to adopt him.

we were all so excited and stuff.

then they brought him up.

"hey, uh, y/n? have you looked at the recent requests for adoption? i think you should see it" he suggested, rubbing his neck nervously.

why would i be looking at that? that's his job not mine. i had a bad feeling though. one i just couldn't shake all day.

i hung out with jimin and jungkook for a little when jimin cooled down from being mad that he couldn't stay at my house. we played around for a bit but in the back of my mind all i could think about was what namjoon had said.

seriously i felt like suddenly everything was going to fall apart piece by piece.

and then it did.


this chapter is where the plot gets going. please stick through, it will be rough. i love u guys!!!!

 i love u guys!!!!

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