7. pieces by pieces

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i stared at the folder for what seemed like forever. i could feel it staring back at me too.

it took all that i had to open it.

i had plenty of distractions already: jimin wanting attention, yoongi wanting a snack, seokjin wanting me to try his new recipe. but now it was finally time.

everything was eerily quiet. too still as if time had stopped, just waiting for me to hurry up and look. i really didn't know what to expect. but a little something was nagging at my subconscious.

i flipped through a couple pages. things i had seen before or just didn't care about until the familiar name met my eyes.

this couldn't be happening. why didn't he tell me?

as i read on, my vision got blurry. did he just not like me? why did he feel he had to keep this a secret?

the file:

name: jung hoseok
age: 26
height: 5'10"
address: 195, 45th street

1000+ square footage: yes
approved yard: yes

approval from corporate: accepted

by signing this document you give legal guardianship to the hybrid in your care that is,

Min Yoongi
age: 8,
height: 3'8"

i saw the guys signature and yoongi's little messy writing was in the spot where his signature goes. no mistake, it was his. i knew that by now.

and there was a sticky note next to the signature spot for the hybrid caretaker, that would be me. it said 'i'm so sorry that he couldn't be yours. he wanted it so badly. but he finally found someone after all these years. please sign? we want it to be you who confirms it since he was primarily in your care. :("

i could tell it was jin that wrote it by the frown face at the end. namjoon was more mature than that. no offense.

but, my plan. it was supposed to work out! i was supposed to get my little yoongi on my next birthday a couple months away. i would be old enough then. he was supposed to be mine.

i cried silently. not too much but enough to feel bad for myself. who was this jung hoseok anyway? he really dimmed my sunny mood today. everything was going so well.

when i was just maintaining composure, joon walked in, "hey y/n, have you seen-" he began until he looked over and saw my red eyes and puffy cheeks.

"oh y/n, i'm so sorry" he ran over and held me in his arms. i cried again. i felt ashamed that it had come to this. embarrassed that i had just explained my whole plan to them only for them to know deep down that yoongi was already someone else's. and embarrassed that yoongi didn't even feel comfortable enough to talk to me.

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