15. i love you too

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things were pretty slow after that. hoseok and i got closer, as did yoongi and jimin. namjoon and seokjin visited regularly, cooking us all his best recipes.

everything was perfect! besides jimin's sour mood.

although everything he had wanted was coming true, he felt an ache in his heart. did y/n not love him back? why wouldn't she say 'i love you' back? was it because he was a hybrid?

every day he told her those three words. and every day she just shrugged him off. it was exhausting. he just wanted her to love him.

"i love you, y/n" he mumbled against her while she typed away on her laptop.

"hm" she replied, not paying any attention.

she had been so focused on work that he rarely got any attention. he wanted her to hold him and kiss him and cherish him. he wanted her to pet his ears and play with his tail.

instead, he got nights where she was up so late working that he fell asleep by himself. and mornings where he woke up to her too far away from him in the bed. and time spent together in silence as all of her focus was on everybody else.

he sighed. over and over again. he craved her attention so badly it hurt. was this it? was she bored of him already?

he even tried giving her the cold shoulder. she hardly noticed.

everyone in the house was walking on eggshells at the thought of the grumpy kitten. they must've noticed everything happening.

jimin kept trying.

he grabbed a hold of my waist as i sat against the headboard of the bed. he pulled me toward him.

"jimin, not right now. i'm doing something" i mumbled. scooting away from him. maybe he would let me do my work if i put some space between us.

"why won't you love me" he said solemnly, ears pointed down sadly. i pretended i didn't hear. i am too busy for his clinginess.

"why won't you love me!" he said louder. he sat up and his eyebrows furrowed. this time he was really angry. all of the other times his brows furrowed like that he was just minorly inconvenienced. it was cute then.

this time he was mad. and acting like his playful self wasn't working.

"what is it, jimin?" i asked tiredly. i just wanted to finish this article and go to bed.

"all you do lately is go on your laptop and avoid me. you never give me attention anymore. not even a glance" he said hurtfully.

her eyes widened a little. "i'm just busy jimin. it's nothing about you-" i started. he must not have liked my reasoning.

"why? am i not enough anymore? do you not love me anymore?" he said angrily, his tail flicking right and left. he paused. it hit him.

"did you ever love me?" he said weakly. he looked away from me. not wanting an answer.

"jimin! what are you talking about?" i said perplexed. what was going on with him?

"you know what i'm talking about. you ignore my every word. you won't let me touch you. you never say you love me back. what am i to you? a pet?" he questioned. his tone was mature. he wouldn't let this go without a good answer.

"i'm just packed with work stuff, i can't have any distractions" i explained. "word got out that jaebum had attacked me and i am putting my best into keeping him at the shelter. i am writing article after article about the situation and explaining why he is no longer dangerous. they want to take him away to where they bring the 'savages.' but he's not savage at all" i blurted. i wasn't supposed to tell anyone. oh well.

"you didn't answer my question. why won't you tell me you love me back?" he glared at her. his tail flicked angrily and his ears face straight towards me.

she hesitated and sighed. "it's too early for that jimin. how do i know you actually feel that way? how do you know you feel that way?" i questioned. how was i supposed to know? what if he was just using me?

"can't you see? i want to be with you and spend all of my time with you. i love waking up holding you and cuddling you to sleep. i love the pet names and the jokes that we use. i love your personality. you're kind, generous, selfless, funny, i could go on. and you're gorgeous! you're so breathtaking. can't you see? i'm in love with you. i know it.

i know because you're my person... you're my person, y/n. nothing will ever change that" he confessed. tears rolled down his cheeks silently.

my heart cracked a little at the sight. for a moment he thought i would never answer until i threw my arms around him.

"i love you, jimin! i do. i love you. i'm just so scared. what if i lose you? what if you find someone better?" i cried onto him.

"i'm so sorry for making you feel sad. i'm just overwhelmed and scared and i didn't want you to see me like that. i love you so much" i continued. i had a million more things to say but in the moment, that's all that would come out.

"i love you, y/n. i'm sorry you're stressed. just please don't push me out. i need you. i'll never leave. promise" he said. his sad voice muffled into my neck. inhaling my scent.

"cuddle with me while i finish this article, okay? i'm almost done and then we can go to sleep" i said, sniffling.

i pulled him to my chest and wrapped an arm around his shoulders as i put my laptop back on my stomach. i continued writing for twenty more minutes before sending it off to the editor and putting my laptop on the nightstand.

"i'm all yours kitten. i love you" i said contently when i shifted to face him.

"i love you too" he snuggled into me. "kiss?" he asked hopefully.

i laughed and our lips met. our first kiss. a shiver went up my spine as we stayed like that for a moment. i could feel his ears twitch as it made his head jolt slightly. we pulled away and smiling shyly as we cuddled close together.


ngl this chapter is crap. anyways how about that mermaid fic? i might just start posting chapters of it now so that it can already have some reads by the time i'm done with this one.

1068 words

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