5. foot thumping, tail wagging

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i woke up bright and early and headed right over the the clinic after my shower. i was anxious, scared they may have torn up the room or something.

when i got there i peeped into the room and saw them sleeping peacefully. i sighed, content.

i did as i said i would and took the paperwork i had to do into their room and set it at the desk along with my laptop.

i got to signing and typing and when i was almost done, jungkook woke up. he quietly walked over to me and gave me a hug, standing behind me quietly while he watched me work. he fiddled with my hair when i let him sit in my lap.

soon enough i had finished. it was around 9 now, like an hour later.

"since jimin isn't up can i help you make breakfast?" cookie asked and i nodded.

we went into the kitchen and made jimin a tuna salad and i got jungkook some cereal with banana milk.

then i made a little tuna sandwich with the crust cut off for yoongi and got him some regular milk as well.

jungkook brought his and jimin's food to his room while i went to wake up yoongi. to my surprise he was already up and waiting, kicking his short legs against the side of the bed where he sat.

"i could smell you" he smiled up at me when he noticed my surprise. i laughed and fed him his food. he liked to be fed sometimes.

after, he sat in my lap and showed me a picture he made for me in the middle of the night. i assumed it was one of his insomnia episodes.

he let me gush about it for like ten minutes before going outside and watching the dog hybrids run around.

i went over to jimin's room to see him awake and eating.

"y/n!!!" he yelled with his mouth full. i felt his body collide with mine, hard, and almost fell in the process. i gripped him back.

"jimin!" i laughed. he went back to his food and finished it up really quick.

"oh my god it was crazy, y/n! we both woke up at the same time because we had nightmares. mine was that you forgot me and kook's was that we got locked in here forever. can you believe it? we are like twins. i miss you..." he explained excitedly. his tone changed at the last sentence, like he got distracted.

as he hugged me again i cooed. he was so much more vocal today. i already know it's because of jungkook.

"i missed you guys through the night. i was so worried! i didn't want anything to happen while i was gone" i exclaimed and jungkook ran over to join the hug. we all giggled together for a good minute.

"let's get you guys washed up and ready for the day" i lead them to the bathroom. they insisted on bathing at the same time (no not in the same tub) and openly got naked right in front of me to get in the tubs once they were full. it's okay. all i saw were buttcheeks. which i have seen plenty of working here.

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