2. a place to sleep

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i woke up to the sounds of hissing and meowing and namjoon and seokjin trying to calm down the hybrid as they slowly backed away.

"what's going on?" i asked, my voice all raspy from the deep slumber i had been in.

"w-we were trying to wake you up and then he started hissing at us! we didn't do anything i swear!" seokjin whined while using namjoon as a shield.

i felt a hand grab my head and pull it to his chest where he cradled it. i reached up and rubbed jimin's shoulder from underneath, unable to see anymore.

"hey it's okay! they won't hurt you, i promise" i spoke, my voice muffled into his chest.

as i shifted, uncomfortable, i realise how sore my body already was from sleeping while sitting on the floor.

"he's not worried about himself, he doesn't want us near you, dummy" namjoon chuckled but received another hiss from jimin.

"ohhh. hey jimin? they're okay to be around. they won't hurt either of us. they're my close friends. they have never hurt me before but if they do i'll come running to you, okay?" i say in an attempt to make him feel better, laughing a little at the last sentence.

it seemed to have worked because he slowly let go of my head and his glare on them stopped. a little.

"what time is it?" i asked. i really had no idea how long i had been asleep.

namjoon looked at his watch. "about 5:30. your shift is pretty much over but if you'd like to get him to eat dinner before you leave that would be nice." he suggested hopefully, giving you his best puppy-dog eyes.

"oh, yea of course" i said, a little sad that i would have to go home and away from my new friend.

they left and i walked over to the kitchen with jimin where we got him a tuna sandwich and milk, upon his request. he asked me to get something for myself as well and i did, just for him.

i had really lost track of eating today, so caught up in taking care of this hybrid, and sleeping apparently.

jimin was quiet before and after we ate. i assume it's because he is still groggy from being woken up like that from his nap but then continues to look at me sadly.

we got him ready for bed. brushed his teeth, washed his face and put pajamas on him. he looked cold so i grabbed an extra blanket and tucked him in.

when i see his ears flatten against his head and his tail movement under the blanket halt, my curiosity gets the best of me.

"are you okay jimin? you have seemed a little off since dinner" i look at him worriedly, reaching up to stroke his ears.

he mumbles something that my human ears can not comprehend. "huh?"

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