9. can't wait!

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he stared blankly at me for a minute. i shifted anxiously underneath him.

"uhh it's okay if not, really it's okay. you don't have to say anything" i felt tears pool into my eyes as these words left my lips. he didn't want me.

reality hit him like a semi truck. with a late reaction he said,

"really?? you want to adopt me? you actually want to adopt me?" he gaped, words coming out breathy as if he had no air left.

"yea! i want to adopt you! is that alright?" i questioned, still a little freaked out from my initial thoughts. i felt better now.

"yes! yes! a million times yes!" he shouted. it probably seemed like i had proposed or something. luckily we were in the comfort of the hybrid clinic's little meadow and no other humans could see inside.

we stared at each other for a minute, eyes wide, lips parted, before suddenly just bursting into laughs and tears and hugs. we bounced around for a while before i excitedly went to the lounge area by the front desk to fill out the paperwork. he followed closely behind.

everything was already planned. i filled it out quickly, having read all of the papers millions of times before doing my job.

when it was his time to sign he wrote sloppily but i thought it was cute. it reminded me of yoongi.

yoongi. i almost let my smile faulter, but not quite.

we filled in all the stuff and namjoon and seokjin approved it. we did it!

we all group hugged and it was chaotic and amazing. my heart would not stop fluttering.

when my original plan had been faulty and each hybrid practically disappeared, i was on edge, scared that jimin would be taken too. but since i no longer hesitated, he's mine!

i wanted to wait for my next birthday to adopt yoongi. i would be old enough and it was just months away. and i'd adopt jungkook and jimin too. and we would all stay in my apartment. i would cook every day and they could come with me to work for fun.

of course it didn't work out. it was sad. i saw my babies leave willingly. it's okay though. i'm just happy that i got my jiminie.

all day jimin and i laughed and giggled knowing that we would have all the time in the world to spend with each other.

i have to wait until the next day to bring him home because i'm an employee. but it's okay. he will be fine for one night. he got what he wanted, right?

i tucked all of the hybrids in bed when it was time to go. i was the last one to leave of my coworkers but it was okay. i didn't mind dealing with the lovely hybrids on my own.

when i was just about to walk out the front door i saw a familiar face.

no way. what's going on?

yoongi and his owner, jung hoseok, walked in.

"what's going on, is everything okay?" i asked worriedly. it looked like yoongi had been crying. my heart crushed a little at his puffy face.

"yea! everything's fine. i'm sorry we came so late but yoongi missed you so much, he wouldn't get in bed. he just kept crying" he looked worriedly at yoongi.

"it's no worries! you can stop by any time. i don't mind" i smiled at him, he returned it with cute little heart shaped lips.

"what's up bud? are you okay?" i crouched down a bit in front of yoongi and he ran into my arms.

"i miss you! i haven't seen you in so long. i couldn't wait any longer" he sniffled.

"i miss you too! i thought i would never see you again bub!" i hugged him really tight.

"...hey, uh, if you ever want to visit yoongi, just call or text! i wouldn't mind a familiar face around. i'm new here after all. and you and yoongi get along so well i figured you could stop by? you don't have to if you don't want" he proposed anxiously. my eyes widened at this. he wants to be my friend? and he wants me to visit yoongi? of course!

"yea! i'll stop by whenever you want me to!" i smile at him and he rubs his neck.

"how about you have dinner with us sometime this week?" he said nervously.

"that sounds great. i'm looking forward to it" i smile. he asks for my phone and i let him put in his contact. he puts his name as Hobi-Oppa with a cat emoji. i smile.

"text me!" he and yoongi give me a big hug and i smile as they walk out. i have a new friend! and i get to see yoongi! this is amazing.

i lock up the clinic and begin to head home. i take a few steps before i feel a hand on my shoulder. i wince and take a couple steps away. what's happening? am i in trouble?

i turn around to see a shocked Hoseok, yoongi just standing next to him.

"i-i'm sorry! i didn't mean to scare you! yoongi told me that you were going to walk home and i don't want you to be alone at this time of night" he blushed a little.

"we are walking you home!" yoongi smiled up at me before i could protest.

"alright. anything for you guys" i laugh. we walk the couple of blocks to my house. hoseok and i laughed about stuff and got to know each other a little bit. yoongi stood between us holding our hands and skipping happily.

"ah, this is it" i smile at them. "thank you guys! i really appreciate it"

"anytime! thank you for everything" hoseok says before waving goodbye. yoongi runs up to me.

"goodnight kiss!" he demands. pouting his lips.

i smooch his forehead lightly. "okay. it's time to go now, it's late yoon" i giggle. he cooperates and they walk away.

i enter my house-apartment and fix a couple of things around. my roommate comes tomorrow! i'm so excited.

i get ready for bed and and fall asleep. i dream of adventures i will have with jimin. i dream every second i am asleep of him. my heart awaits the moment he steps into his new home.

jimin pov

i lie awake. unable to fall asleep. it's weird not having someone in the room with me and weirder to not smell her scent around me as i fall asleep. it was just two separate nights but it made a difference. i can spend one night by myself though. after all, i'll be spending the rest of my life with her.

i smiled to myself as i imagine waking up next to her and seeing her pretty face close to mine. i can't wait for her to make breakfast for us and to have her all to myself. i can't wait to finally have someone like her to care for me. it's unbelievable that someone as sweet as y/n wants me to be hers. forever. my mind can't comprehend that word. forever.

i pretend i can feel her arms around me as i finally fall asleep. i can't wait.


i told you it was gonna get better! :> i'm so excited.

i forgot to update yesterday because i woke up at like 2pm and then worked out and showers and had homework due that night and then my friend facetimes me for like hours. i will probably get 2 chapters out today though.

1276 words

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