17. the question

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around a week had passed since that movie night. honestly everything is perfect. every day at work, i would hangout with namjoon and seokjin, and jaebum's friend would visit him.

it was nice to see him in his element. i hope he finds someone soon. lord knows i wouldn't be able to handle another hybrid.

i left work early so that i could hangout with jimin. he had been begging to do something with me but we couldn't figure out what. finally he gave me an answer.

"can we go shopping, y/n?" jimin asked me excitedly. i had taken him to the park and to get groceries a few times before but we had never been to the mall together. i don't know where he got that idea from.

"yea! seokjin was just talking to me about going shopping last week, should we invite them?" i wondered out loud.

"no! i mean... if you want, but-" jimin started. he didn't want them to come. he wanted it to be just them two.

"i'm kidding. we haven't had much alone time recently, huh?" i realized and he nodded in agreement.

"let's go now, it will get more crowded the longer we wait" i told him. he ran to our room and i could hear him thumping around getting is clothes on. he must've fallen a few times.

he came out a moment later with his shirt on inside out and backwards, smiling sheepishly as his tail was tucked between his legs and his ears tilted back embarrassingly.

"jeez, come here" i laughed.

he walked closer and i tugged his shirt over his head, he blushed and stood there with his hands behind his back as i flipped the shirt right-side out. i avoided looking at his toned body because i didn't want to make him uncomfortable.

"arms up" i said, he put his arms up and i slipped the shirt on him.

"much better. don't worry, you did your best" i praised. his ears flickered to me happily. a grin plastered on his face.

he yanked my arm and grabbed my keys, running to the car excitedly once we said bye to tae and kook.

"slow down!" i panted. he muttered a small 'sorry' and began speedwalking instead.

we got to the car and he tapped his foot as we drove.

"are we there yet?" he pleaded.

"no, jimin. it's been five minutes. you will know when we are there" i laugh. he continues being impatient the whole car ride.

why was he so excited?

i tried to ask but he just blushed and turned away. i guess i'll see when we get inside.

i pull into the parking lot and pay and then we head into the mall.

his eyes widen at the vast space. his ears flickered in every direction at the sounds of people chatting, walking, and playing.

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