14. i love you?

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jimin and i got home pretty late. jungkook and taehyung were asleep at least.

jimin and i did our nightly routine and then happily snuggled up in the bed. today was great! but exhausting.

i was about to fall asleep when jimin asked,

"y/n... why don't you talk to me like you talk to yoongi?" he said solemnly.

i almost let out a laugh but held it back for his sake. "he's like eight, jimin. he's much younger. he requires me to baby him at that age. you're my age so i figured you didn't need me to"

"well... maybe... maybe not be babied, but-" he struggled to say. i got the memo.

"do you want me to praise you more? is that it?" i guessed knowingly.

i knew i was right when i felt his tail flickering playfully underneath the blanket. "yea!" he beamed.

he was such a little kid. what would i do with him?

"okay, my love. anything you say. you've been good after all" i say. it was a gentle way of easing into his wishes. without it being forced.

he liked this. he buried his head into my neck. "i love you" he said. i figured it was just because i had given him what he wanted and it slipped out. i didn't say it back.

i woke up to someone shaking me awake.

"wake up y/n! wake up!" jimin sang happily. what's going on? he's never been a morning person.

"morning jimin. why are you so chipper?" i say in slightly raspy. i stretch out and i hear pops from multiple different joints.

"because you said i could come to work with you today! get up! let's hurry!" he pulls me up and bounces around excitedly while i shower and get dressed. he watches me cook breakfast for everyone and his tail won't stop flickering around while he eats with the rest of us.

"let's go!" he yells and yanks me to the door.

"hold on! tae is going to drop us off because we have work at the same time today" i scratch behind his ears as we wait.

i look over to jungkook who looks sad that he will be home alone. gosh, i can't leave him here!

"wanna come with us kookie?" i offer, smiling.

he nods enthusiastically and runs over to my side as we wait for tae. i scratch his ears as well and his foot thumps happily on the ground. i missed that cute little trait.

"sorry for taking so long!" tae said as he ran down the stairs.

"it's no problem! you're probably right on time. jimin was just rushing" i laugh and jimin pouts.

we all pack into tae's car and head off.

"goodbye tae! thank you!" i said as jimin, jungkook and i waved to him. technically i could drive myself but i didn't see a point if i lived a couple blocks away. tae insisted on giving me a ride when he could though. it was just convenient.

we walked in and saw namjoon and seokjin. they were in much better moods.

"hi guys! what's up?" i greeted. jimin ran and hugged them. as did jungkook.

"not much. jaebum has been a lot more cooperative, thanks to you. speaking of, hows that scratch?" namjoon questioned.

"it's better! it's healing pretty quickly. no more need for a bandage" i smiled.

jimin suddenly remembered that the hybrid was here and that he hurt me. jungkook just sat there confused.

"where is he? i'll show him who's boss" he said, scrunching his face.

"yea, yea. calm down kitty. he's all better now" i said, letting the pet name slip past my lips. he liked it.

jimin didn't like interacting with the other hybrids so him and jungkook went to play in their old empty room.

"he wants to see you!" seokjin smiled at me. i laughed and went to jaebum's room.

"hi jaebummie! how are you?" i asked when i saw him laying on the bed.

"bored" he said, well, boredly. he walked over to give me a hug though.

"what would you like to do? color? play with toys? go outside?" i listed a few things off the top of my head.

he seemed uninterested until the last one. "outside? you'll let me go outside?"

this poor thing. his owners must have been awful.

"of course! lots of hybrids go outside to get their energy out and play with each other. let's go!" i waved him over and he smiled, running up to me with his tail wagging quickly.

"outside!" he yelled as he ran outside. i followed a bit just to see that he was okay. he didn't know how to interact with the other dog hybrids at first but i could hear them explaining to him what to do. they could probably tell that he had a hard time.

he looked genuinely happy. that was easy. see why i love taking care of the mistreated hybrids so much? it's amazing seeing them run around and have fun finally.

he played outside all day. enjoying the food and snacks provided along with the others.

i went inside to see jungkook and jimin playing happily. it reminded me of when they still lived at the clinic and they were so oblivious to a real, fun life as well.

they had a fun time and once i tucked jaebum in, we got picked up by taehyung who insisted that he didn't want as walking home alone when it was getting dark.

we all got inside and snuggled on the couch. recently all we had been watching was cartoons because jungkook and jimin were, in fact, scaredy cats. even though jungkook was a bunny.

we all fell asleep on each other and soon enough it was the next morning.


there was just an earthquake very close to my house as i was finishing this up. spooky.

i'm planning on wrapping this up in like 6 more chapters? if there's anything specific that you want to see, comment and i'll consider.

⚠️⚠️⚠️ i'm in the process of writing a taehyung fic where the reader is a mermaid. should i start posting it now? or should i wait until this is done?

1045 words

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