11. unexpected occurrance

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i fall to the ground as jimin uses me to propel himself towards jungkook in a hug. they hug for so long that i start to believe they have a crush on each other. they pull away and jimin yanks me off the ground and towards the couch.

"what's kook doing here? where's your roommate?" he questions, though happily.

"silly, he is my roommate! they both are. introduce yourself to tae!" i say excitedly.

the nickname just comes out naturally. i always give people nicknames. it just feels casual.

what i didn't notice was the blush on his cheeks and nose when it slipped out.

"hi! i'm jimin! i'm her hybrid!" his tail flicks around happily and his ears can't help but twitch at every sound.

"i'm taehyung. it's nice to meet you!" tae says as he shakes his hand.

we all blab about how much we missed each other for a long while. kook and jimin want to watch a movie but tae and i refuse because we have work the next day.

they pout and gives us the eyes. nope, can't fall for it again.

anyways. we decide on sleeping because it was getting late. jimin followed me to my room and we got ready for bed together. laughing while we brushed our teeth and washed our faces.

i forced him to leave the bathroom so i could change though.

once all of the lights in the house were turned on and the door was locked i bid tae and kookie a goodnight and then crawled in my own bed. jimin hopped in after me.

"i'm so happy y/n. you really are the best. i was so frustrated because i was so set on it just being you and me but now i'm so glad that kookie is here!" jimin squealed as he wrapped his body around me.

"i'm happy for you too jimin! it's going to be quite fun in this house now. it's so weird though. i've lived alone for so long" i sigh contently.

everything was amazing at this moment.

i finally adopted jimin.

kookie is my roommate.

taehyung is my new friend.

and of course i get to see yoongi now! and hoseok is my friend as well!

jeez when did i get so social.

speaking of... i forgot to text hoseok so he has my number. i figured it was too late in the night to do it now and told myself to do it in the morning. i felt kinda bad.

anyways, jimin and i cuddled to sleep, even when we grew uncomfortable, we never let go of each other.

i wince as i open my eyes. so bright. i stretch and go to get up but arms are wrapped around me firmly. i already know how this is going to go.

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