12. apologies

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i walk inside. feet trudging. i just want to sleep. it was a rough day.

"y/n! where were you!?" jimin cries out as he latches onto me. he lets out muffled sniffles as he grabs onto me for dear life. kook was sitting on the couch and his ears were droopy and tae just looked confused.

"i had to stay late at work. a very troubled hybrid came in. i'm sorry, i should've called i just never really took the opportunity. i just wanted to come home as soon as possible" i apologized and pet jimin's head.

jungkook came over and gave me a hug as well.

"i tried to tell them that you probably just had to stay late but they wouldn't stop pouting and whining and crying. i didn't know what to do" tae laughed, lightening up the mood.

"i'm sorry for that, really i-" i began but he cut me off and told me it was no problem.

i heard a gasp and then jimin say "are you hurt?"

he reached for my neck but i winced and gently pushed his hand away.

"who did this?" he growled angrily.

"it was just the hybrid jimin. he was intimidated and scared. he didn't have bad intentions. he didn't let it go to far"

"you have to be careful! you could-"

i cut him off "yea, i know. namjoon and seokjin already hardcore lectured me. i would say namjoon and i aren't on good terms right now because of it. let's just go to bed, okay?" i said tiredly.

he nodded and ran upstairs.

"i made us all dinner. i put yours in the oven to keep warm. if you need to talk don't hesitate to come to me, okay?" taehyung said. i nodded and gave him and jungkook a hug before they went to bed themselves.

i ate and then got ready for bed. jimin was already in there waiting for me to cuddle him.

carefully, we wrapped our limbs around each other and fell asleep.

the next morning i didn't have work so early so we all slept in quite a bit and then i had pancakes ready shortly after. we all talked while eating like we were a family until tae left for work.

i showered and got dressed and everything. ready to leave until,

"please let me come with you! i need to make sure that beast doesn't hurt you again, please!" jimin begged. he was wrapped around my leg at this point. it was cute to imagine little kitty jimin trying to intimidate a big dog hybrid.

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