20. marked

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"tonight was fun. thanks for inviting us, y/n." namjoon said patting my head.

"thanks, but it was really taehyung's idea." i smiled. they thanked him and he laughed. nudging my arm.

i nudged him back and it started a quiet war of us nudging back and forth. it stopped when jimin put his arm around my waist protectively. he loved taehyung but he was in a weird mood at the moment.

we said goodnight to those who didn't live with us and the rest of us went inside. i took my heels off and sighed as my feet felt a little bit of relief against the hardwood floors. i hopped upstairs ready for a shower.

before i could so much as unzip my dress, jimin had already locked the door and grabbed me by the waist.

"what is up with you, jimin? you're acting weird." i confessed. i was so confused.

"nothing. it's nothing. you're just so pretty." he smirked. he definitely was hiding something. he told me i was pretty and stuff all the time, but he never acted like this.

i went to walk to the bathroom but his grip on me tightened. he backed up and sat on the bed, pulling me into his lap so i straddled his muscular thighs.

i laughed bashfully but he crashed his lips against mine. the kiss was passionate and urgent. like he was expressing things he had held back for so long.

our lips danced against each other for a while and we only barely pulled away for air here and there. it felt too natural, i couldn't stop myself.

his head trailed down to my neck and kissed around. it tickled. he started gently sucking when he found the right spot, his tongue gently licking here and there.

i sighed, content.

suddenly he bit down and sucked even harder. a whimper escapes my lips at that but he stopped after a moment and pecked the area a couple times before nuzzling into my neck.

"what was that?" i panted. he beamed up at me.

"i marked you!"


"i marked you. now other hybrids can sense that you belong to me and they won't try anything. i've claimed you now." he smiled, so proud of himself.

"oh... is that why you have been acting so weird?" i questioned, a little baffled.

"weird? you mean when i was seducing you?"

this time i really choked.

"hey! be careful." he lectured as he patted my back, i coughed into my arm.

"you were seducing me?" i said, flustered.

"yes, y/n. how else was i supposed to end up with my mouth on your neck?" he explained as if it were the most obvious thing.

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