8. out of reach: lay in my arms

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the next few days were hard. of course i had fun with jungkook and jimin but a part of my heart felt missing. walking past yoongi's old room was no help either. no more little kitty cat.

the boys distracted me during the day but when it came night time, i almost couldn't hold myself together. would i ever actually see him again? what if his owner didn't like the connection we had. i couldn't really tell what his thoughts were on it that night.

i bet yoongi is so happy though. finally a real home. a real home with a real owner who could provide him with everything he needed and more. i imagine him running around, laughing, ears twitching with delight.

i made sure to spend a lot of time with my other two favorite hybrids for the next couple weeks, incase they went through something similar. lots of petting and ear scratches and foot thumping.

and it happened, again.

i knew it would happen eventually but i really didn't think it would happen this soon. of course, jungkook had never attached to me as hard as jimin or yoongi, but it still hurt when a guy came in to adopt him one day. jungkook and him connected immediately and it was only time before all of my little hybrid friends were gone. i knew it.

"i love you kookie. thank you for being here with jimin and i while you could. thank you for trusting me to take care of you that night in the alley and thank you for being an amazing person. i love you forever, remember that" i cried again as yet another hybrid left me. we held each other for a long time and then he left the room to go on with his new life.

we decided that it would be best to say our goodbyes privately so we wouldn't be as torn up, and in front of people.

but through the slightly cracked door i could hear jimin and him crying heavily before jungkoom called out a final, "goodbye everyone"

i cried again and again and again and even the next morning couldn't help but let out a few tears. all that's left is jimin. i bet the same thing will happen with him, too.

i snuggled and cuddled and cried with jimin all day.

"hey! stop splashing me!" i laughed out as he thrashed around in the bath jokingly.

"come here and cuddle with me" jimin whined as he started to think about jungkook again. i obliged without hesitation.

"look at my drawing! it's you, me, jungkook, and yoongi all together again!" my eyes teared up and he hugged me close. "it will happen y/n, i know it. i promise it"

i slept there that night. i didn't care that i didn't have pajamas or that i couldn't snuggle up in my own bed. all i wanted was to be near jimin and to savor my time with him. who knows when it could be our last time seeing each other?

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