3. new friend

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we got to my apartment and immediately his eyes lightened up. had he never seen an apartment before?

i mean, my apartment is a little bigger than usual because i'm supposed to have a roommate but they haven't moved in yet.  they are still figuring out all of their stuff first as they are moving from a different part of seoul.

it's still nothing to be excited about.

"it's so nice!" he gasped while walking around and looking at all the furnature. he avoided touching anything though.

"i mean, i guess. why don't you sit down on the couch or something? i can put on a movie for you while i make something for us to eat" i said and started walking to the kitchen.

"um, may i take a bath first? i don't want to get your furniture dirty.. plus i want to be clean" he thumped his foot a little at the thought of finally being free of the dirt that covered him.

"oh, you're right. i'll start the water!" i walked up to my bathroom because it was the only one with an actual tub and began filling the water, i assumed he liked bubbles because jimin did when i gave him a bath for the first time.

while the tub filled up i went and got some spare men's sweats and a shirt (and undies) from my closet that i kept there for this reason. also they are comfy.

when everything and his towel was set in the bathroom i called him up.

"jungkoo-" i began to yell but realized he was already behind me, smiling brightly.

"do you need help or can you do it yourself?

"can i wash my body first and then can you help me with my hair?" he asked as he walked in.

"of course! i'll wait out here. call for me when you're ready. you can use any of those soaps" and i pointed to the little shelf with body wash and stuff.

i heard him splashing around for a little from my room and when he called my name. "y/nnnn"

"yes? is everything okay? would you like help now?" i say when i walk in, to see his chest is shiny from the water and no longer covered in dirt. his face isn't either.

"can you help me with my back? and then my hair" jungkook's big eyes looked up at me.

i nodded and used the body wash to wash his back and neck very good before washing his hair. he started kicking his leg beneath the water when i got to the base of his ears. i got splashed a bit but that's okay. it was a good laugh.

once he was all clean i left the bathroom so he could get dressed and he came out looking all happy and smelling like flowery shampoo.

"no wonder you smell so good!" he jumped around excitedly.

"let's get you some food!" i yelled enthusiastically. we laughed and ran down to the kitchen. he watched me get him carrots and other fruits and veggies and cut them up. once the salad was ready we both went to the couch and put on a disney movie. i hadn't been sure if anything else would scare him.

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