18. tinge of jealousy

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jungkook thumped his foot aggressively as i scratched his ears. taehyung left in the early hours of the morning to go to an important meeting, that meant jungkook woke up alone. he was in need of extra loving because of this.

meanwhile, jimin stood a little bit behind jungkook with his arms crossed over his chest, pouting like he always does while his tail flicks back and forth.

i knew he was a little jealous but i felt bad for jungkook, waking up alone sucks when you're that into someone. plus, taehyung would be back soon enough. then i could pay attention to jimin.

"aren't you done yet? i want love too" jimin whined, slouching but tilting his head up.

"you're silly, i give you love constantly" i tease. he frowns and taps his foot anxiously. soon enough jungkook is satisfied and hops on the couch to watch tv.

jimin runs over to me quickly and we end up on the ground from the impact.

i lay on my back as jimin straddles me. he stares at me for a while in thought. i didn't want to interrupt so i silently scanned his face. what was he thinking about this time?

i sighed after a bit and he suddenly looked at me. once he came back to his senses he nuzzled his head and ears into my neck, likely scenting me after my encounter with jungkook.

he loved jungkook but not enough to have his smell all over me i guess.

the door opened and taehyung walked in tiredly. it was only eleven in the morning but he was up so early.

"taehyung!" jungkoom said, he ran over and tae picked him up in a hug.

"i'm tired, kookie. wanna go take a nap?" taehyung suggested, he knew jungkook liked naps but it was more for himself this time.

jungkook could never turn down a nap so he ran to there room as taehyung tiredly walked after him.

"hey jimin, hey y/n" he said kindly as he passed.

"hey taehyung! i'll make dinner tonight, okay? i know it's your night but you look tired and i really don't mind" i offered. he hesitated but agreed because we both knew he wouldn't win the argument. then he left to his room.

"jiminie, i gotta go to work now, love" i said gently. i knew he would be upset but i wasn't ready for him to groan loudly and literally throw his arms around my body.

"but i have no one to hangout with now! kookie is sleeping with tae..." he grumbled.

i cringed a little at his poor choice of words.

"i know, jimin. i would bring you with but today is important and i wouldn't be able to spend much time with you anyways. kook will be up soon enough. why don't you nap too in the meantime?" i suggested. i really had to go or i would be late.

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