Enemy Territory

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**Had to add a Slytherin encounter. DO NOT GET UPSET WITH ME PLEASE, you'll see why you might once you read**

"Come on Lil, you can study later it's gorgeous out and everyone else is ready to go outside," I groaned try to snatch the textbook she had had her nose in for the past two hours. Alice, Mary, and Dorcas agreed with me, we all had been practically begging Lily to set time aside so we could get some fresh air. It was the first decent day in FOREVER! After we finally got Lily outside I admired how gorgeous today was. The early spring sun shined high over the grounds causing the dew on the grass to sparkle. The temperature was the warmest it had been in a while so the grounds were filled with students and friends. One group being our own and guess who was having the most fun out of everyone out here, you guessed it- The Marauders. They were running about pranking younger years and rival student groups... They were, anyway, until we got in the way and stopped them. Lily, Dorcas, Mary, Alice, and I knew we had to put an end to their nonsense, so we did. 

"I can't believe they've done it again. we spent hours unsticking first years from trees last time! Why are they like this??" I groaned.

"Sirius, Remus, Peter, Potter, care to explain why the first years are stuck to the trees... Again?!?" Lily asked folding my arms.

"Well, dear Lily-Flower, I'm afraid, even I do not know the answer to that. You'll have to ask the voice in my head who gave me the brilliant idea," answered Sirius as he too crossed his arms. Remus rolled his eyes and James shrugged in approval and poor Peter watched on clueless.

"You might want to pick your words a little bit better, Black, or you'll start something you can't finish," I snorted.

"Back to last names now are we?" sassed Sirius.

"Oh great, you're in for it now! Why do you guys never listen to me?" asked Remus

"I think we know when to pick fights and you don't seem like too much of a threat," joked James even though everyone could tell he was nervous as he watched Lily. I mean we, girls, are amazing students. In other words, Padfoot, Prongs, and little Wormy stand no chance.

"Exactly, Prongs! We can take you guys any day!" Added Peter. Hypothesis: this isn't going to end well. If only they knew what they started! Lily glanced over her shoulder at me and I signaled the others. Lily made eye contact with Remus and nodded her head silently to the right telling him to move to the side, away from the rest of the mischief-making Marauders. My hand moved toward my pocket we're my wand was hidden.

"On three, remember" Lily whispered.

"One" smirked Dorcas.

"Two" grinned Alice. I wrapped my fingers around my wand.

"Three!" shouted all of us pulling out our sands and firing a different spell at our assigned targets. Mine was Sirius, I shot Colovaria at his beloved hair changing the color from black to bright blue. Dorcas took out Peter easily using Tarantallegra, which made poor Pete dance around uncontrollably. Lily took on James, which she happily did. She shifty cast Anteoculatia causing James' hair to stick up resembling antlers. Alice snapped a wizard picture and Mary laughed hysterically.

"Darn it!" James said. Sirius glanced up and saw Remus laughing along with us and frowned. Then all eyes looked over at Wormtail dancing about (which was a hilarious sight and caused me to snort).

"Maybe you girls are a tad better than we thought" Sirius laughed. I turned to get a look at Sirius after Dorcas freed Peter and what I saw was priceless! I am so glad Alice took pictures. His face was so shocked and filled with fear once his long, now blue, hair fell into his face. Sorry not sorry babe, I thought! That proves it: we are amazing and the boys could learn a thing or two from us.

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