At the End of Time

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*I'm not crying, you are 😣😭*

(Lily's POV)

"You be safe now, understand" I warned wrapping Marlene in a hug.

"Yes, Mother," she laughed, sarcasm present in her words.

"Just come back," sighed James hugging us both before we could break apart, "I don't think I can handle losing you or helping Lily through losing you or having to watch him try to handle losing you" James nodded his head back at Sirius who was nervously fiddling with his fingers.

"Don't worry, hun" reassured Marl walking up to Sirius, pushing passed James, and she held Sirius' hands firmly in hers. He quickly pulled her into a tight hug. I made eye contact with him, I knew what he was thinking. Sirius has been preparing to propose to Marly ever since James and I got married, he and I have made big plans to make it the wedding proposal of her dreams. In 6 days he'll get on one knee in their secret spot in the woods. One photographer, aka me, hidden there to snap pictures of her reactions. I knew this would be perfect because just last week we were talking about my wedding and her dream wedding.

*One week earlier*


"What's wrong, Lil?"

"I'm going through all my wedding photos and I just realized in a photo of James proposing to me in the boat, my hair is wet" I groaned in frustration.

She laughed, "That's why if anyone ever proposes to me they better make sure I'm looking my best"

"If Sirius proposed to you how would you want him to?" I asked casually.

"If he's ever brave enough to, I'd like it if he did it in the woods at a secret spot, and-"

"W-w-wa-wait, y'all have a secret spot?"

"Yes, Lil, we don't talk about it, it's a secret. It's where we like to go to watch sunsets and then the stars. It's a cute little clearing full of green grass and wildflowers, in the spring,  it's lovely" she sighed her expression becoming distant.

"Woah Woah, don't leave me for Siriusland please"


"Exactly, Marlene, I had my dream wedding, what will your's be like?"

"If I ever have one. Do you see what we're living in?" she flung out her arms gesturing to the world and snorted but not wholeheartedly.

"Don't think like that, you're gonna make it have no doubt you're one of the strongest badass girls I know" I reassured her with a smirk.

"I'm soooooo rubbing that in Dorky's face" and there's my playful girl!

"So....your wedding?" I urged

"Okay, so this isn't going to sound anything like me, but for my wedding, I'd want it to be themed like the woods so lots of wood incorporated into it and the main color theme would be gold and soft pink. Bridesmaids would be Alice, Dork ass, Mary, and maybe even Emmaline. They'd be able to choose what their dress looked like as long as they all were the same matching pink. You, Lilith Rose POTTER," I hate that name; Lilith, not Potter, "would be my beautiful maid of honor, and your dress would be gold and you'd, of course, be able to pick the design. I'd choose a shorter dress so that I could celebrate my special night and dance my heart out without tripping or worrying about my dress. The flowers would be pink roses, along with some white Ranunculus, and some other smaller white and pink flowers," 

 The flowers would be pink roses, along with some white Ranunculus, and some other smaller white and pink flowers," 

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