What if?

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*This is...rough, I- have fun* [THIS IS A LONG CHAPTER (Grab ur snacks, popcorn, and tissues before starting) Also many many many Time skips be prepared!]

(Sirius' POV)

"Marly, come onnnn, it's too early to function," I groaned grabbing my beautiful girlfriend by her waist and pulling her back into bed.

"Sirius Orion Black, let me go this instant," she laughed, "We're going over to James and Lily's and that's final!"

"Mmmm no" I pulled her closer to me while she tried to squirm her way out of arms.

"Siriiiiii, lemmmmeeee goooooo" she whined giving up on trying to escape on her own. I buried my head in the crook of her neck.

"No, just stay here a little longer, for me?" I mumbled kissing her skin softly.

"You're going to be the death of me," she signed.

"Without a doubt," I grinned relaxing and loosening grip on her, bad idea.

"After all our years of dating and you still think I give up that easily?!" She acted offended as she slipped out of my grasp, got out of the bed, and stepped far enough away from the bed where I couldn't reach her.

"Yeaaa, but after all these years I haven't stopped realizing how breathtaking you are," I stretched my arms up above my head, smirking at my blushing girlfriend.

"You're a prick, you know," she looked away from me.

"Yup," I popped the p, "I know."

"Argh," she groaned rolling her eyes, "Get up and get dressed, Lil promised breakfast."

"Sold!" I jumped out of bed, Lily is the best cook. I quickly got changed into a pair of jeans and a black tight fight shirt, and I turned back to Marlene's side of our room. She was standing in front of her mirror with black leggings on and a red lacy bra with her red crop top in her hand and my leather jacket on our bed by her pillow. She was examining herself in the mirror making quiet comments every once in a while. I walked up behind her leaning close to her resting my chin on her shoulder.

"Whatcha doin'?" I asked kissing behind her ear.

"Debating whether or not I should burn all of your belongings or just throw them out the window," Her sarcasm was unmatchable, but she did make a mistake.

"Honestly, I think the window," I grinned against her skin.

"Oh yea, why?"

"Probably be less painful for you, because you're mine too," I watched as a blush dusted over her cheeks in the mirror. I love when she's easy to fluster in the morning.

"I don't belong to you," she let out a small huff and folded her arms.

"Is that so?" I grin making eye contact with her through the mirror, "I can think of at least 4 times where you've said-"

"Finish that sentence I dare you," she turned her head to look at me over her shoulder.

"Sorry, sorry, just tryna tell the truth, but whatever you want I guess," I held my hands up in surrender, "Hey you might want to get ready, we have breakfast to get to!"

"SIRIUS I SWEAR!" and with that, we went back to getting ready. After many insults and eye rolls and stolen kisses, we were finally ready to go. I grabbed Marly's hand, after double-checking to make sure we both had our wands, and I spun her around into a silly hug and apparated out of our flat and away to the Potter's little house.

"GOOD MORNING PRONGIES," I screamed upon entry, Marlene covered her ears and shot me a look.

"Sirius, why are you yelling at 07:00 in the morning? James is still asleep," asked a curious Lily who entered the entry hall. 

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