Meeting the Parents!

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**Sirius gets to meet the McKinnon family properly now (not just from all the Pureblood events they met at) after dating Marlene in school it is now midsummer holiday and Marly invited him over!**

He's finally coming over! I couldn't contain my excitement, sure he'd have to meet my family before but that was just a mere handshake at Pureblood parties and dinners. I'm only worried about my dad, everyone else should love him, but my dad is well a tad overprotective of his only daughter. My mind was racing. Okay it's 2:00 he's due to be here by knight bus at 2:15, I thought as I looked at my reflection in my mirror. I look awful, probably because I was cleaning all day but still. 

"Mum, I'm going to change real quick, Ok" I shouted down to let my mother know.

"Okay, you've got 13 minutes, dear" responded mother McKinnon. I searched my wardrobe for a little while and pulled out my favorite ripped jean shorts and a cropped maroon sweatshirt. 

"Damn, you look great!" said a voice behind me.

"Get lost, Mason!" I shot back over my shoulder at the oldest of my four older brothers.

"Now, now, Lil' Marly, that is no way to talk to your brother!" playfully scolded the voice of Maxwell the youngest of my older brothers 4 years older than me. I was a surprise baby, in other words, my parents messed up!

"Man, you're right, Mason, our Lil' sis could get any boy she got her looks from us" added Matthew laughing, he's 2 years older than Max.

"In other words, this Sirius better be pretty fucking worthy of you!" spoke Mitchell in a completely serious way, he's the second oldest only a year younger than Mason.

"Guys, if you don't think a thousand teenage boy's hearts shattered the day Sirius asked me out, you'd be lying to yourself. I've gone through plenty of boys, never dating, y'all should know this by now, and Sirius is the only one I've felt this way about. I think I love him guys, so he's completely worthy. I promise you'll get along perfectly." I smiled throwing my hair up in a ponytail. I walked over to my bed and plopped down. I'm getting nervous now the butterflies in my stomach woke up for some reason.

"You good, pipsqueak?" asked Mason walking into my room sitting down next to me. His actions made the rest follow and soon my bed was full of older brother love and worry with a nervous little sister in the center.

"Nothing" I mutter not meeting any of their eyes.

"We all know that's a lie, and remember according to our sibling pact no lying is permitted unless it's a surprise or a prank" recited Matthew.

"Come on, tiny sis" pleaded Maxwell in his joking way.

"Fine! You annoying beanstalks, I'm actually-" I started until I was interrupted.

*Knock Knock*

"Marleneeeee, the door!" screeched my mum. I shot up from my bed, laughed at my brothers, and rushed to the door. As I exited my room Mitchell shouted,

"Hey! You're telling us later!!" I rolled my eyes and shook my head. Once I reached the door all my worries faded knowing the one person who could distract me from anything and help me through everything was on the other side. I wrenched open the door and was greeted by my best friend and now boyfriend. Without saying anything he hugged me close pick me up slightly and spun me around.

"Nice to see you too, idiot" I giggled kissing his cheek.

"I missed you, McKitten" Sirius teased.

"You did not just say that! Did it take you the whole 5 weeks to come up with that?" I asked stepping back and placing my hands on my hips.

"Maybe, maybe not" smirked Sirius. That idiot he's almost as bad as Lily with her 'Mars Bars'!!

"I should just lock you out" I joked starting to close the door, but he knew I was messing around because of my smile so he stepped into the house, pulled me out of the way by my waist, and shut the door.

"Heyyyy" I whined trying to wiggle out of his grasp.

"I don't think so, goofball" He shook his head and tightened his grip on my waist.

"Careful, I'll summon my brothers" I grinned at him. Then, as if on cue, a thundering noise travel downstairs as my brothers came down in their herd.

"Nevermind, I guess they decided to get their lazy arses down here by themselves" I laughed finally managing to get out of Sirius' arms before we got caught. 

"Oi, Sirius, right?" asked Maxwell rushing ahead of the others and reaching the bottom of the stairs first. Followed by Mason, then Mitchell, and finally Matthew.

"Yea, nice to meet you too, Max" laughed Sirius. I looked up at him like he was insane.

"You remember their names?" I gapped. 

"Of course, you talk about them all the time especially when you're nervous about telling them something" responded Sirius and by the looks on my brothers' faces, they heard him too.

"You know what, we were going to give you the whole hurt our sis and you're dead speech, however, I know you won't so I'll save my breath," grinned Mason to Sirius then he turned toward me, "Alright, midget you've got us on your side but remember we still have mum and dad to concur, but no worries we go this"

"Yea not like we have to convince ma and dad to let the first boy their only daugh- their princess date and be, well, extremely friendly with" mumbled Matthew which got him a punch in the side from me.

"Shut it, you're just jealous that you're stuck in the middle" I retorted. It couldn't be that hard I thought, grabbing Sirius' hand. The afternoon went by too quickly. I spent most of it running around my house causing mischief and messing around with Sirius and my brothers. That all stopped though as soon as the front door opened, my father was home. Sensing my panic Sirius hugged me from behind and rested his head on mine.

"Don't worry" he whispered. Those two words calmed me down, not all the way but enough.

"Me, worried, never" I shook my head sarcastically. 

"Marlene, Boys, and...umm Sirius, right oh whatever, DINNER!" boomed the voice of my father as it traveled through the house. Great the one person I'm nervous about meeting Sirius is gonna have to meet him. 

~Time skip and Marlene fill-in so no one gets too bored~

Wow, dinner went amazing! My dad and Sirius instantly bonded! Almost as quickly as my brothers did!! I mean one minute they're talking about school, me, and our friends then, BAM, my dad cracks a joke and Sirius answers with his own. Which leads them both to laughter and instant best buds. I zoned out after that because they started talking about motorcycles and how Sirius couldn't wait to get his own and how my dad would be happy to help him fix one up if he needed to. My night was the best!

"Hey, Mars, I'm gonna have to go soon" Sirius smiles down at me. We were sitting on the couch, well he was, I was curled up on his lap with my head on his chest.

"Nope, you're stuck here" I grinned.

"I'll visit again before school, don't worry" Sirius laughed.

"Fine" I sighed getting up. We walked to the door together and right before he left he kissed quick and smirked.

"Until next time, McKitten" he teased and slipped out the door. I hate that name but I'm too happy to get after him. I decided to join the rest of my family in the sitting room.

"So...what'd y'all think of Sirius?" I asked.

"I liked him" answered Maxwell.

"As long as he treats you like a queen, he's good" added Mason.

"Eh, you could do better, but he'll do for now" replied Matthew.

"He's perfect for you" shrugged Mitchell. I laughed at my brother's responses.

"I like that boy, if he continues to treat you right I approve, plus he's got a great sense of humor!" chuckled my father. 

"I have my doubts and concerns, but he's cute and until I can prove anything, he can stick around" spoke my mother in a flat tone. That's surprising I thought my mum would love Sirius and my dad would despise him, but this is the other way around. What would've caused my mum to not like him? Oh well, he'll wear her down. Mission meeting the parents: a success!

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