Train Trip

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*not really any Blackinnon, sorry*

EEEeeeEEEeeeEEeeeEEEeeeeeeKKKkkkkkKK!!!! My mind screamed I'm going to Hogwarts! TODAY! I can't believe it, it took too long to turn 11 and get accepted, but now here I am!! I've been a mess of nerves and excitement all through this morning and now I'm standing with my parents outside the Platform entrance with my brothers, Mathew and Maxwell. Max was in his 5th year and Matthew was completing his 7th year. 

"You all know the drill but Marlene, dearest, you may go first this time" My mum smiled down at me.

"Really" I gasped shocked I never, NEVER, get to be first unless I fight my older brothers for it.

"Yea little sis we got to go first, our first year" Matthew nudged me and my trolley forward.

"Okay, I've done this before, let's go!" I whispered confidently to myself and ran right into the wall between Platform nine and ten. 

"Ouch! Watch it!" came a voice once I made it onto Platform nine and three quarters.

"Well it's not my fault you were in my way, now is it you bloody Prick?" I shot back looking at a young boy who seemed my age. He had longish black hair and grey, silvery eyes, and he looked shocked at my snapback.

"Oh wait, I know you," He said, "you're a McKinnon, the only daughter, right?"

"Umm, I don't believe I know you..." I began.

"I'm Sirius, Sirius Black, the one and only, the unforgettable. I've seen you at all the Pureblood dinners and banquets" The apparently unforgettable Black explained.

"Well then, you're rather forgettable seeing as I still have no clue who you are." He seemed shocked by my answer, then rolled his eyes and walked off. During this exchange, the rest of my family caught up with me.

"Who was that handsome young boy you were talking to?" inquired my mother, pfft of course.

"No one important" I respond.

"Better no be" whispered Max in my ear.

"Don't worry he was a sorry prick" I smirk back.

"Good" chuckled Mat leaning toward my other ear.

"That's enough, children, you will get to see each other every day still, but not us, so let's get some proper goodbyes in before you go!" My father laughed wrestling Maxwell into an unexpected embrace.

"Right" I sighed and turned to say goodbye to my parents, all this really means is I can get away with more trouble now especially with only my brothers there. Really if anything my brothers would help me get into some mischief so double plus, Haha! I wonder what house I'll be put in...My mother was a Slytherin along with my Father and they weren't raised in the best ways so they loosened up, on us we are now spread out everywhere. Mason, my eldest brother, followed my parents as a Slytherin, who is now working in the Ministry. Mitchell, the second oldest, was a Ravenclaw and for good reason, he is now an advanced Healer! Matthew is a Gryffindor through and through, and he has no clue what he plans to do with his life. Max, he's a Hufflepuff, but he has a dark side so how he managed to get into Puff is a mystery to me. That's my predicament, everyone in my family is scattered, so where is the only girl of the family gonna be put. EVERYONE PLACED BETS. So far three say Slytherin, One say Ravenclaw, one says Hufflepuff, and Gryffindor also has a you can't guess who voted for what. 


"Use my middle name again see what happens"

"Chill Mini-Me, you're gonna miss the train go find a compartment" Matt interrupted Maxwell's and I's bantering.

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