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It was dark and wet when I heard the branch snap. I was cold even wrapped in Sirius' leather jacket, but I ran, in heels. This was not happening. My lungs began burned but I didn't stop. I knew I was being followed. I couldn't get caught, not today.

*Earlier that Day*

"If you aren't ready I'm leaving without you!"

"If you leave without me you won't know where to go"

"I hate you"

"Love ya too, McKitten"


"Fine, I'm coming" I stood outside his room tapping my foot, my hands instinctively on my hips. 

"I'm here happy?" He sarcastically asked opening his door to meet me.

"No" I roll my eyes. He gives me a quick look over.

"Damn" he exhaled quietly.

"What?" I inquired

"I'm just noticing how gorgeous my girlfriend is," He smiled, "and how much I love her and how perfect she is. In other words, Marlene, baby, you look breathtaking!"

"Sirius..." I blushed and looked down at my dress. I had on a maroon dress. The hem was at the top of my knees. I had also thrown on a black belt to bring the whole outfit together. My hair was down, I only had a tad bit of blush and mascara on, and I had on my favorite black high heels, they weren't too high, so I still was shorter than Sirius. (^^picture of dress wayyy up at the top^^)

"Do you think I'm too dressed up?" 

"No, if anything I'm underdressed" He laughed. I looked at his tight white shirt, covered mainly by his leather jacket, and his jeans. His hair of course was done to perfection, which here means it was down and flopped slightly in his face looking really soft. I reached up and moved one of the strands from his forehead.

"I love this, though," I said gesturing to his outfit.

"Come on, we're late"

"hmm I wonder why"

"Shut the fuck up"  

It was our spring break, Easter holiday, thingy, and Sirius and I were leaving to attempt our third double date with James and Lily, who finally got together this year. James had left the Manor early to go pick up Lils giving Sirius all the instructions instead of me, the git. Anywho, we were finally off to our mystery destination.


"You hold on, OK" 

"WHAT THE HECK DO YOU THINK I'M DOING!" I screeched gripping his waist tightly as we rode his motorbike. After what seemed like hours I felt Sirius trying to release himself from my grip, so I let go and hopped off the bike. 

"Don't forget to take off that helmet" joked Sirius as he followed my lead. 

"I still don't understand how you can be so comfortable and safe without one" I sighed removing the helmet and tossing it at him.

"I'm just a true, brave Gryffindor"

"Or a true, idiotic git" I offered instead.

"Oh come on" he grinned draping an arm around my shoulders and holding me tight. I finally decided to figure out where we were, so I looked around and realized we just entered a park.

"Hey, look over there" whispered Sirius in my ear pointing toward a tree. I squinted in that direction until I saw what he found. I couldn't contain my laugh. It was Lily's red hair and it had a hand in it that didn't belong to her, IT WAS JAMES! My little innocent Lil is growing up. Sirius nudges my shoulder. 

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