Halloween Special (Part 1)

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*Spooky Season my lovelies*

"Lil, Lil, Lil, Lily...WAKE UP" I shrieked throwing myself at Lily who was still lying in bed sleeping.

"EEEeeeEEkkkKKkK," she screamed shoving my off of her and on to the floor, "What the fuck, Marls, it's 6 in the morning, bloody hell" the rest of the dorm woke at Lily's scream.

"I have an announcement," I began dramatically, "To-"

"Can't it wait till at least 9?" groaned Mary weakly throwing a pillow in my direction.

"NO, This is of the utmost importance," I gasped offendedly, "Anyways, Today is Halloween eve and you know what that means....." I paused to see if I'd get an answer, "costume choosing" and cue jazz hands.

"You woke us up to tell us that?" Alice shook her head.

"YES!!" cheered Dorcas, out of all of them she was the closest to a morning person. Mary threw another pillow, where does she keep them all?!?!?!

"OH-ho, what are we gonna be this year, we need these ordered yesterday, maybe if we get the orders out quick enough they'll be delivered by tonight, argh, we need to choose quick and get the order forms and owls on there way" rambled Lily as she mindlessly got ready.

"See!" I placed my hands on my hips and stuck my tongue out at Mary and Alice. Lily dug around in all of our bedsides' drawers throwing Mary's tiny stuffed animals collection, Dorky's tarot cards and crystals; which made her scream and rush to the fallen Divination supplies, Alice's diary, her own homework, and emptying my drawer of pens, pencils, and paper and a few drawings, I panicked and hid all my things quickly and no one noticed because they were taking care of their own things. She only took a few things from our drawers, our Witches Weekly magazines we all read late at night together and we all got different Halloween ones this year, perfect for our costume conundrum.

"Alright Ladies, today we put operation instant Halloween into motion first group costume; find them, love them, share them, and then we vote, ready? GO!" Lily threw the magazine at us at random and we all quickly drove into them searching and scanning every page for group costumes. I choose a sexy approach and instantly started to circle the ones I thought were sexy enough for all of us, so I could share them later.

*sometime later*

"Alrighty my lovely ladies, times up, it is now 6:45 and I want your suggestions now so we can end voting by 7:00 and we can fill out the order forms by 7:10, and finally we can send Marly out the window on her broom to get to the owlery speedy quick! Got it...GOOD!" Lily laid out our entire morning that didn't include an early breakfast, darn.

"Alrighty, I've got the classic themed magazine so, ghosts, skeletons, these gorgeous muggle 'witch' costumes," Mary started rattling off hers, "we've got some black cats, other than that everything else is useless"

"Too basic except maybe the Witches they kinda sexy"

"Marly chill, alright witches added to the list, ....next!"

"Uh guys I have a confession" Alice piped up

"What's up Ali?"

"I kinda uh.... promisedFrankwecoulddoacouplecostumeanditsalreadyordered"


"ALICE MARIE PREWETT! You are not a Longbottom yet and I thought it was always girls before squirrels"

"Dorky...calm, I'm sure there's a reasonable explanation...why are you shaking your head, Ali?" 

"Because there isn't, Mary, he's just my boyfriend and should've told you all sooner, I'm sorry..."

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