Girls' Night

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**Let's add a girls' night because those are always fun**

"You know what we haven't done in a while?" sighed Lils closing the book she was reading and looking around at us. We were in the common room with the boys just relaxing. Alice was sharing a recliner with Frank, Mary was making friendship bracelets on her knees at the coffee table, Dorcas was flipping through her Witches Weekly magazine, Peter was snacking on string cheese, Remus was studying next to Lily on the couch, James was trying to focus on the game of wizards chess he'd challenged me to, and I was sitting on the floor on the other side of the chessboard between Sirius' legs, while he leaned up against the couch.

"What's that Lil," I asked not looking away from the game knowing James would try to pull something if I did, HE WILL NOT WIN!

"A girls night, we've all been so busy and we started hanging out with these idiots more, we've hardly had time to catch up and talk without worrying about the boys" She answered. All of our, meaning the girls, heads shot up excitedly. Lily was right we hadn't had a girls' night yet this year! I then felt something hit my leg, I looked back at the board.

"For Merlin's sake, James," I groaned leaning over and smacking his head. He knocked over the chessboard...ARGH! "Now you have to admit that I was about to win because why else would you do that"

"I'll admit to nothing" James smirked. Damn it. I then felt Sirius' arms wrap around my midsection.

"He's just a dramatic sore loser," whispered Sirius in my ear.

"Reminds me of someone else I know" I laughed and turned my head so I could see him. Then I gave him a quick peck on the cheek and wiggled out of his grasp to join the rest of my girls who had now gathered around Lily and were all trying to offer and get information.

"Next Friday?" offered Mary.

"No, too far away" giggled Alice.

"How about Saturday?" smiled Dorcas.

"No, Dork-ass, there's a quidditch game" I added.

"Sunday?" Alice asked.

"I help the first years study on Sundays," Lil sighed, "this Friday?"

"Tomorrow??" Mary squeaked.

"I'm free" Alice and Dorcas shrugged in unison.

"Same but that gives us no time to plan" Mary spoke.

"I think I'm good" I answered more like a question.

"Ahem," Sirius sputtered. I looked back at him and remembered we were supposed to hang out, Oops!

"Fries before guys sorry, bb, Imma party with my girls," I smirk and turned back to the group, "I'm in!"

"It's settled tomorrow night, is our first girls night of the year with just us" Lily emphasized us and shot a motherly, follow the fucking rules, look at the boys. I love girls night, shoot I better make sure our secret stash is still full!

~Friday morning at breakfast~

"Sirius, there's nothing you can say or do that will make me skip girls night" I laughed at the boy beside me.

"Come on, McKinnon, you can just skip the first half and show up fashionably late" He pleaded.

"No, Black," I emphasized his last name, "it's girls night and I hang out with you, plenty. I need my girl time."

"What's so great about girl time when you can have Sirius time" He inquired nudging my shoulder.

"Well during girl time, I get to talk shit about you behind you back" I teased.

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