37: Contract

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"Help..?" Ty repeated slowly.

'That's right. I can get you into the Mirror Realm. Isn't that what you wanted?'

"Why should I trust you?"

The voice started to laugh as a shadow emerged from the ground. It took the form of a human body with two glowing purple dots. It grew huge and towers over Ty. 'What else can you do, Virtue?'

There was no doubt that this guy is bad news. But he speaks the truth—there was nothing Ty can do on his own.

'I'm not opening the ripple for you for free. I have a task for you.'

Another shape started forming, slowly turning into a human body. Ty watches it as the body gradually turns into someone he knows.

No way....

'I want you to get rid of this person for me.'

"That's... someone I know!" Ty exclaimed.

'You're mistaken. Take a closer look.'

Ty looks back at the body, realizing there are a few differences between the two.

"You.... want me to... kill him?" Ty said slowly.

'Yes, in exchange I will open the ripple to the Mirror Realm.'

Ty swallowed hard. Is this justified? He wondered. I'm doing this for my friends... It... should be alright....

"Okay... I'll do it."

'Let us make the contract.'

The shadow seems to outstretch its arms to Ty, engulfing him into darkness.

'You will not be able to leave the Mirror Realm until you fulfilled my request.'

Inside the pitch black, Ty couldn't speak..

'I will open the ripple at night when no one is around...'

The world around him seems to melt away and he was hearing Quentin calling out to him.

".... Um... Ty?" Quentin waves a hand in front of Ty's face.


"You blanked out there for a minute." Quentin scowls. "Are you sleeping well, Ty?"

"Sorry..." Ty laughed nervously. "S-something must have gotten to me..."


Sloth had led Ian to a secluded area in the woods. It was a town but it seems to be empty. It was quiet but Ian felt at ease. He followed Sloth into one of the buildings and into a room. The room they entered had a huge bed with number pillows and blankets. Sloth plops himself on the bed, sighing in satisfaction.

"Never wandering outside again..." Sloth muttered.

"About... the Sins..." Ian started, awkwardly trying to find a place to sit. Sloth groaned, flipping over on his back. He pulled down his sleeping mask to cover his eyes.

"Let's start with Ira... I believe you would call him Wrath. You don't want to run into this guy, if possible you should avoid him..." Sloth scratches his head. "I don't really like him that much... Practically everything is destroyed because of him. He seems to be mindlessly destroying buildings and picking fights with other Sins everyday."

"The next is Superbia, Pride... I haven't seen him in a while. He has Dragon Eyes, it's something powerful. Even without them, it's dangerous to confront him. His mental attacks are easy to fend off but things are different for you. Just make sure you don't get emotional."

"Envy or Invidia, he is the one that controls the ripples and the entry to here and your world. He can also transform into anyone as long as he saw them before. The longer he is with the person, the more realistic his transforms are. You shouldn't trust people blindly here."

"Gula... Gluttony... I haven't seen him yet. His actions are completely off from the past ones... Very bizarre... Be wary of him, I don't know what he can do."

"Luxuria is not someone you want to face. He can control your body as long as you made eye contact. He has the ability to turn you into his servant if he gets the hold of you. Do not look into his eyes, once you get controlled, it's hard to get back in control."

"Greed or Avaritia is a tricky one. His abilities lie in his speed. Even I have trouble trying to keep up with him. His weapon... it's his scarf. It doesn't look like it at first but the scarf isn't an ordinary scarf, it's part of him. I never... saw his true power yet..."

Ian scowls. "I thought the Sins were supposed to work together."

Sloth snorted. "We haven't worked together for the past centuries." Ian smiled at Sloth but he didn't seem to be joking.

"I almost forgot... there's a mage."

"A mage?" Ian asked.

"I don't know his name... It seems like he got his hands on some dangerous abilities." Sloth's voice lowered. "If anything, running into a Sin would be better than him."

"Is he stronger??"

"In terms of ability, he is on par with us." Sloth pauses and frowns. "It's not just us Sins here. If you see someone that's familiar, be careful."

Ian nodded slowly, trying to process all the information. "The only way I can go home is if I get to Envy?"

"There are unattended ripples," Sloth explained. "They can open by themselves at times... That's how I got into one earlier."

"I see... Thanks for the information." Ian turns to head out but Sloth's voice stops him.

"Where are you going?" He asked. Ian turns to see Sloth sitting upwards, frowning deeply.

"Going back to find a ripple?"

Sloth heaves a long sigh. "Listen... if anyone of these Sins finds you..." His voice darkens. "You will die..."

Ian gulps. "I can't stay here." He said. I have to go back to my friends."

"How are you going to defend yourself?!"

"I have to. It seems like there is an effect if one of us is gone for a certain period of time."

"You don't even have any powers!" Sloth was yelling now. He jumps out of the bed, grabbing Ian's shoulders frantically. "You—you don't understand! You will die!"

Ian shoved Sloth away, stepping away from him. "I-I'm sorry! I have to..." He ran out of the building before Sloth could say something. He had no idea why Sloth was getting worked up over this. I have no time to think... I have to get back home!

Sloth didn't run after Ian. He slowly made his way outside, seeing the Virtue becoming smaller as he got farther away.

"Why..." Sloth muttered. "Why are you always like this...? Every single time I meet you...." 

(editting) Minecraft's 7 Deadly SinsWhere stories live. Discover now