Chapter 9

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Shannon Pov

Monday seems to be the busiest day of the week. Meetings after meetings seem to pile up one after the other. It is three in the afternoon and I hear a knock at the door. My lips immediately tug to a smile. "Hi bro how is work?" My friend Aryan shakes my hand and takes a seat. 

"Stressful and hopeless" I tell him as a matter of fact, turning the pages of the file waiting for my signatures. After some time we walked to the bar attached to my office.

and I offer him a drink making one for myself.

I knew all the time Aryan’s eyes were examining me. "It has been more than two months man, you should move on. Life doesn't stop after anyone’s death. I am throwing a party this weekend. All things are set, girls, booze and a lot of fun." He tells me in excitement and sips the Scotch.

For a few minutes keeping aside my business I chill with my friend getting to a hearty chat drinking and laughing. After a few minutes there was a knock at the door. My accountant Mara Benjamin enters the office. She greets me, my friend and presents me with the report of Messrs Shaw and Co. 

"Wow, so beautiful, new in the company?" My friend transforms to his usual flirtatious self. I tried to stop him with my inconspicuous hints but he was too involved in his hunky funky business. 

"My name is Aryan, your boss's friend. I am throwing a party this weekend. It would be my pleasure to have you in my beach resort as a guest."  He extends his hand to Mara for a shake.

She gazes at his extended arm like it was some kind of poison. But Aryan was too occupied to grasp the hint. "Would you mind giving me your number so that my driver can come and pick you?" He asks her in his customary style to take her number. 

Shit! May God help my friend?

If looks could kill, then I was watching the live show of it. Mara's eyes were like daring daggers pointed to Aryan. 

Controlling my laughter I was the innocent spectator of a live antagonist show. "I have more important work to do at home than attending useless parties, Mr Aryan." She plasters a fake smile and comes back to me with a professional front. "Sir, I got a phone call from my brother's school. He is running temperature. If you permit me, I wish to leave an hour early."

"That is no problem Mara, you can leave now." 

Her face goes to a relaxed smile. “Thank you Sir.” My eyes drink in her arresting features without getting noticed. Her long braid falling to the front cajoled her enticing hour glass figure extending to her thighs. Reaching to the exit she turns back and twirls her plait. It struck the cheek of my friend who was staring at her like a creep with a stupid smile. 

"Ouch" a soft gasp exits Aryan’s lips rubbing his cheek which seems to satisfy the haughty princess. With a glare towards Aryan, she exits the room.

"Did she hit me with her braid?"  My friend asks, directing his eyes to the door from where Mara left in an astonishment. 

The long controlled laughter was now out of my brims without a lock. "Any doubts? Intelligent people learn the lessons of life with the experience of fools whereas fools learn them with their own experiences." I tell my friend teasingly. 

"I had my doubts about the girl in her first meeting with me. You just proved to me that my assessment was right by making a fool of yourself." I push my leather chair to the wall landing on a guffaw. 

"All this while, I thought the long hair of a woman is a symbol of beauty but she taught me a new use of it.  Hair can be used as a form of self defense, exhilaration of anger and devilish satisfaction too."  He tells me in a trance.  

I hold my stomach bursting in titters.  "It seems like you learned a good lesson. I was trying to caution you but you seem out of control around her.  She is not the hooking type but a wife material."  I conclude transforming to a sudden seriousness.

"Her thick braid felt soft and beautiful but can be a really dangerous weapon when it is used for defense."  He tells me in a snicker, pouring another drink.  

"A thing of beauty is joy forever. Well that was the first thing I noticed about her."  I tell him intensely. Aryan turns back and guards me solemnly.  "If I think I know you, you seem to have grown sparks for her."  

I shake my head smiling and trying to blanket my feelings.  "I hate commitments, and you know it very well."  

He gives me a curt nod not ready to buy my cover.  "Let us see." 

After my friend left I was taking a short break in my office with my eyes closed thinking about the tot who got me head over heels for her in a single take. The phone begins to beep and I pick up the call without a second thought though my eyes were urging me to keep them closed. 

"Yes Mr Santiago Richardson." My voice comes out sharp and authoritative. "Sir the girl relating to your brother's accident had filed an FIR with charges of reckless driving followed by the death of her mother and father's hospitalization." 

A sardonic laugh erupts out my lips. Mr Santiago, it is a pity after spending so many years in the police department and handling several complicated cases you cannot handle a stupid and naive girl of 17 years." And then my voice goes instantly serious. 

"Do anything and everything in your control for the girl to take back her case." Inhaling a sharp breath I enunciate my words clearly to the police commissioner. "This is the question of my family reputation and our multi million business. If the media comes to know the details of the accident I am at a heavy loss." 

Standing up from my seat, I insert my hand in my pants pocket and proclaim in authority.  "After the work is done one of my men will reach you with a blank cheque. Fill a digit of your choice, and it will be all yours. Listen well.” My voice tunes to a whisper but enough severe for the man to comprehend. "If the girl happens to be too stubborn, send her to the world from where she wouldn't return. Clear the task immediately else you know I am adept in playing dangerous games." 

Marking my words austere I disconnect the call giving him no chance to speak. The innocent cherub doesn't know I am a barbarous beast when it comes to family and reputation. However there was something in my mind that screamed I was walking on thin ice.

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