Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

Mara's Pov

I am now five months pregnant. My tummy is now the size of a little football, neither too big nor too small. The first trimester was quiet troublesome. I used to puke everything that I ate. Shannon got worried so much, though definitely not for me but for the baby. The doctor had to assure him repeatedly that I and the baby are safe and getting nauseous is common in gestational period.

My life turned beautiful after the occurrence of pregnancy though I feared it the most. If this is a dream that I'm experiencing, I do not want to get out of it. Shannon turned a complete one eighty after my conception. I couldn't imagine him this warm even in the wildest scenarios. He transformed into loving and protective husband. Every day he prepares my favourite breakfast though not a single day goes without vomits. But I relish everything he prepares and try to eat as much as I can.

Perks of having the best chef as your husband. 

I know my happiness is temporary, once the baby is out of my womb Shannon will kick me out of his house. He is doing all this for the good growth of the baby but my earnest prayer to God goes - let this period stay as long to the last day of my life. If someone calls it my weakness, so be it. I like to live in such an addiction, be in this wonderland for an extended time, experience my husband's love that I cherished so long for one last spell and culminate this life like a Cinderella before it ends me.

Shannon stopped doing parties, women and sex, transmuting him to be the matchless caring husband. He quit smoking completely considering it harmful for the baby and me. Though I do not want to get attracted to this newly found love life, I know I am dangerously falling in love once again with him. He is my first and sincere love though a wrong choice. How can I kick it away?

It was ten in the night and I suddenly started craving for ice-cream. I was about to reach the flour on the top rack when Shannon came behind holding me not to fall from the stool. "Careful sweetheart, you shouldn't be doing such things. Why did you stand up on the stool? I am here for your assistance and I could have got you whatever you want."

"I did not want to disturb you and so..." He rubs his eyes to move out of sleep and then suddenly kisses my forehead. I slightly jump at the abrupt act of love and yank away from him. His eyes held distress for a split second but then he quickly covers it with a smile. "What do you like to eat?" 

As per his request, I settled on the sofa reading a weekly magazine and within half an hour delicious ice cream rested in front of me delectably decorated with chocolate sauce. I lick my lips and revel upon the chocolate flavor while Shannon sits besides watching me amused.

Over these few months Shannon had recanted him to be the best father and husband. He would call at least twice in the morning and twice in the evening enquiring about my health. He makes time through his busy schedule and comes to doctor appointments, ultrasounds with me even though I insist that I could manage.

Sometimes he holds my belly kneeling in front of it speaking to our child with so much love. From the last two days, the baby started its kicks. I would feel them off and on and direct Shannon's hands to my middle. 

It was a sight to watch him smile. It was so pure and charismatic. "Baby don't bother mummy too much." He rubs my belly softly with his palms and I bite my lips trying to arrest the titter coming out of my lips.

Is pregnancy always this pleasurable? If so I would have gone pregnant long ago. 

After I finish eating I go back to the guest bedroom to have a pleasant night's sleep. Since the unfortunate night of our wedding we have rested in separate bedrooms. Shannon never insisted or forced me to sleep in the master bedroom even after he revamped our relationship and I like the space he was giving us to heal.

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