My Boss Is A What Now ? ?

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okay so i'm gonna give it a shot and do a doctor who fanfic, so please bare with me. my mind has been driving me crazy about doing this, so without further ado . . . 

oh by the way

= D W S =  means Doctor Who starts, as in the Doctor's POV starts here

= D W E = Means it ends here

the story is mostly in Alex's POV

the story is mostly in Alex's POV

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You know how sometimes you wake up, and can tell it's just going to be one of those days? A day you where everything goes wrong, and you can feel something will happen though you can't decide what, but it makes you sick to your stomach? Yeah, i was having one of those days.

First, my alarm didn't go off at eight when it was meant to. Then my hot water wasn't working so i had to have a cold shower. I burnt my toast and spilt coffee on my shirt so i had to change. I missed the half nine bus so i had to pay for a taxi, which then got stuck in traffic so i had to run. And then to top it all off, i ran straight into a blue box that seemed to appear out of nowhere.

Now, i ran through the Oval Basin every day to get to work, and I'd never seen that box before. But apparently, glancing down to check the time on my phone was enough of a distraction for me to miss  someone putting it directly in my path. And running straight into it was not pleasant at all, in fact, i think i fractured my nose.

Stumbling back, i dropped my bag and doubled over with my hands pressed against my face. I couldn't feel any blood, and my nose didn't seem out of place but it damn well hurt something similar to being punched.

"Ow, god, ow," i complained, pressing my fingers against the cartilage.

The sound of a lock clicking caught my attention and i glanced up seeing two men and a young blonde staring at me, all standing beside the blue box. Well, the more handsome of the two men was hanging out one of the doors, so i guessed the box had something to do with them. Of course, with my already bad morning, i was in a bad mood, and those poor people were on the other end of it.

"What the hell is wrong with you?!" i snapped, glaring at the bald-looking guy with big ears. He was stroking the box like IT was hurt, not me.

"What's wrong with us? What's wrong with you? You walked into it," Big ears said, sounding very defensive over his box.

"Only because you parked it right where i was running!" i felt the blood start to drip and cringed, pressing my scarf against my nose, "I think you fractured it or something."

I noticed the blonde girl and the good looking guy both give Big Ears a glare, and he sighed, obviously annoyed at what they were trying to suggest. I however was content in tipping my head back to stop the blood and forgetting they were there.

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