Giant Bat People And Robot Dogs

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We pulled up outside a coffee shop and i helped the Doctor take K-9 in, Rose and Mickey headed straight for the counter while Sarah Jane ordered us some drinks.

"How come you aren't over there with Rose then?" The Doctor asked as he played with some wires.

"Because i'm not feeling threatened by Sarah Jane Smith, or the fact that she was your companion. i knew you had previous companions, i knew i wasn't the first, i know there is nothing between us that wasn't between you and someone else. I'm more focused on finding out what's going on," i told him firmly, "Those two can get their heads out their arses, realise there's more in the universe than them and worry about the kids in that school."

"Um, okay?" he said, confused.

"What, you can't tell me that those two bickering over you like little school girls isn't annoying? It was bad enough Rose glaring at me because Cassandra used me to kiss you, now her and Sarah Jane are at it and i just hate it when people get jealous over stupid stuff."

"So you're not – you're not jealous then?" he asked, avoiding my eyes.

"Do you want me to be jealous?" i prompted.

"No, no, i mean, only if you want."

"I'd have to want you for myself for that," i said, watching him from the corner of my eye.

"So do you? Still want me, i mean?" he asked, keeping his head down but peering up.

Sarah Jane placing tea down in front of us interrupted the conversation and i smiled gratefully at her, picking up my mug. STILL want him? I thought trying not to grin, cheeky boy.

"I thought of you on Christmas Day. This Christmas just gone? Great big spaceship overhead. I thought, oh yeah, bet he's up there," she said, sitting next to him. "At the time, i thought Alora might be there too but obviously not."

"Right on top of it, yeah," the Doctor nodded, ignoring he mention of his wife – at least i thought it was his wife.

"Alex and Rose?"

"They were there too," he agreed, keeping his face buried in the wires.

"I saved his ass," i told Sarah Jane with a smile, "That's why he's being so grumpy. He doesn't like people knowing."

"You did not," the Doctor pouted, narrowing his eyes on me over K-9

"Did too," i teased, "I kicked the button that opened the deck, and the Sycorax leader about to slice right thorough you and Rose fell through, without me, you'd have lost your head," i paused, "Actually, that probably happened a LONG time ago."

Sarah Jane snickered, covering her mouth when the Doctor turned to look at her offended. He turned back to me, and pouted again when he realised i was smirking triumphantly. It was silent for a little while, as he went back to the wiring and then Sarah Jane spoke up.

"Did I do something wrong, because you never came back for me. You just dumped me."

"I told you. I was called back home and in those days humans weren't allowed," The Doctor frowned, clearly not understanding what Sarah Jane meant.

"I waited for you. I missed you."

"Oh, you didn't need me. You were getting on with your life," he told her with a smile and i face palmed, what an idiot.

"You and Alora were my life. You know what the most difficult thing was? Coping with what happens next, or with what doesn't happen next. You took me to the furthest reaches of the galaxy, you showed me supernovas, intergalactic battles, and then you just dropped me back on Earth. How could anything compare to that?"

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