I Hate Little Glowing Balls

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"Open fire!" Jefferson ordered as he and the guard shot at the Ood.

"We're stabilising!" Zach announced as the shaking stopped. "We've got orbit."

Rose ran to the microphone, grabbing it as she shook, "Doctor? Doctor, can you hear me? Doctor, Ida, are you there?"

"Open door 25," the computer announced and the guard and Jefferson prepared to fire but Danny came in, hands up.

"It's me! But they're coming," he said.

"Close door 25."

"It's the Ood. They've gone mad."

"How many of them?" Jefferson asked.

"All of them! All fifty!" Danny exclaimed.

"Danny, out of the way. Out of the way!" Jefferson ordered preparing to open the door.

"But they're armed! It's the interface device. I don't know how, but they're using it as a weapon."

"Open door 25."

"No get back!" i pulled at the guard, gettingher out of the way just in time but the Interface brushed my side and i screamed at the pain, falling backward. Another Ood interface shot forward and the guard fell beside me screaming, but she wasn't as lucky. I heard Jefferson firing, but it was kind of fuzzy.

"Alex!" Rose rushed over, as i tried to calm myself but it was hard to breath, like my lungs didn't want to work. All i could think was that i should have been dead, and i was shaking like mad.

"R-Rose," i choked out, "Don't tell . . . Doctor."

Everything went black. When i came too, i knew something was wrong, i felt ill, and hot and sweaty, and i was shaking but i managed to sit myself up. Rose fell to her knees beside me, supporting me.

"Oh god, you look horrible," she told me, "You're so pale, and clammy."

"Thanks," i rasped, struggling to speak properly. "The Doctor?"

"They're coming back up, i didn't tell him," she said and i nodded.

"Okay, we're in. Bring us up," Ida's voice said as Rose helped me to my feet.

I couldn't stand on my own, my legs nearly giving out. I saw my reflection on one of the screens and groaned. I was whiter than snow, the bags were obvious under my eyes – which were blood shot - and i was all sweaty. I looked all pasty.

"Ascension in three, two, one," Jefferson said, and then the power went out.

"This is the darkness. This is my domain," a voice spoke, deep and dark as Ood popped up on screen, "You little things that live in the light, clinging to your feeble suns which die in the-"

"That's not the Ood. Something's talking through them," Zach announced. What had i missed?

"Only the darkness remains."

"This is Captain Zachary Cross Flane of Sanctuary Base Six, representing the Torchwood archive. You will identify yourself."

"You know my name," the voice teased.

"What do you want?" Zach asked.

"You will die here. All of you. This planet is your grave."

"It's him. It's him. It's him," Toby said, rocking. I was clutching my stomach, almost doubled over if it hadn't been for Rose holding me up. I wanted to be sick.

"If you are the Beast, then answer me this. Which one, hmm? Cos the universe has been busy since you've been gone. There's more religions than there are planets in the sky. The Archiphets, Orkology, Christianity, Pash Pash, New Judaism, San Klah, Church of the Tin Vagabond. Which devil are you?" the Doctor's voice brought little comfort to me.

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