Birthday Party Time

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When we landed she ran out, crying and hugging Jackie who had no idea what was going on. I smiled and wandered back to my room, pulling out my phone.


I smiled, tears starting, "Hey you."

"Alex, is that you? Oh my god what's wrong? Why are you crying?"

"Nothing, nothing," i laughed, thinking it was stupid to be worried. It wasn't our world after all, "Just missed my sister, is that so bad?"

"Liar," she said and i could imagine her narrowing her eyes, "But I'll not force the issue. You never did with me."

"Thanks," i laughed, "How've you been?"

"Great, a little boring with you not being here. But i get why you had to leave, i just wish you'd visit."

"I will, soon, i promise. I'll come and see you."

"Come next week, it's our eighteenth after all. Don't make me celebrate it without you."

"Is it?" i asked, surprised. "Man, time really got away from me. Alright, I'll be there."

"Good and you can tell me all about this man on your mind."

I laughed; she always thought there was a man when i called. Though i'd never had that problem before, i realised now, i might actually need a talk with my sister.

"Yeah, I'll tell you all about him when i see you."

"Oh my god there's a man! Mels! Rory! Alex's got a man!"

"I don't have him," i laughed, "Anyway, i better go, I'll talk to you soon?"

"You better, i love you Alexandria Pond."

"And i love you, Amelia Pond," i smiled, hanging up.

There was a knock on my door and i quickly wiped my tears away, but i knew the Doctor had already seen them. I smiled at him, and watched as he took a seat on the bed next to me.

"I was thinking of doing a little 'cheer you up' trip, Rose wants to see Elvis, what about you?"

"I think i just want to go home," i told him, "I need to get my emotions under control, so i probably need a bit of time to myself."

"Alex i don't blame you for what you said-"

"But i do," i cut him off, "I – i stopped taking my medication. I think that's why I've been out of sorts. Just let me go home. You two go have fun."

"No, please, Alex i'm really sorry," he grabbed my hands tightly, but not so that it hurt, "I don't want you to go home. I want you to stay and travel with me and-"

"Oh you Muppet," i knocked my knee against his with a chuckle. "I only want to go home for the day, it's our birthday. You can come get me after Elvis."

"Oh, oh right," he rubbed the back of his head.

"You're such an idiot," i laughed, hitting him with the pillow.


"August 21, 2007, eight a.m. just as you asked for," the Doctor grinned, opening the door for me and i stuck my head out, nodding. He was just down the road from my house.

I grabbed the bag i had packed, with a change of clothes knowing there was a party set for Amy and i tonight and checked i had my phone in the pocket of my jeans.

"Alright, be back for one a.m." i told him, "And don't forget about me this time."

"Never," he said, holding out his pinkie.

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