Ch. 2

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By the end of the school day, the question Shota had at the beginning of the day still stood. He should have stepped in and told Todoroki he couldn't train, but he didn't want to tip off the dual-toned boy that he was onto him. He wanted to make him trust him, not pull away completely, again. How, by all means, was Shota supposed to help him?

Clearly, the boy was trying to hide the injury from what the teacher had seen.  Either he was failing, or Shota was just that good at detecting injuries from having the Problem Child in his class. So, he decided to go to the expert on injuries himself. The Problem Child. 

The Problem Child was, by all means, the cause of all problems in this class, that were unrelated to villains. And that was an understatement. Shota swears on his husband's life that the kid was a disaster magnet, and they were all trying to stay out of its reach. Either way, the teacher suspected that the kid saw more than his sunshine-like smile let on. 

That was the reason why Shota had stopped the Problem Child. "Midoriya, may I talk to you for a moment?" The raven haired adult propped his head on his chin and stared at the greenette. The aforementioned Problem Child stared back at him, analyzing him. Though his eyes seemed warm, Shota, again, swore by his husband's life that the kid's eyes were always icy, analyzing, almost cruel behind the emerald hue. Perhaps even worse than Bakugou's eyes, which held pure malice in them.

"Yes, Mr. Aizawa?"* The Problem Child asked in retaliation, a grin on his face. 

"Yes, well, have you noticed something off about Todoroki?" Straight to the point, as he liked it. The Problem Child's gaze flickered back and forth, as they do when he is deep in thought. 

"Actually, yes." Problem Child paused, as he went back to staring at Aizawa. "He seemed hurt. Whenever he put pressure on his right ankle, he appeared to wince. This had went on all day, but seemed to become less frequent as time went on." 

Shota paused. This kid had noticed that much? "Alright. Thank you, Midoriya. You may go." The Problem Child bowed and walked out. Well, this was getting more and more interesting for Shota. One of his students was hurt, and one of his classmates, the most observant of them at least, had noticed also. Strange.

*Please correct me on this, I cannot remember for the life of me what the students call Aizawa

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