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Shota Aizawa has never liked court cases. U.A. hired the best lawyer. His name was John J. Smith from the United States, and with him was Detective Tsukauchi, Toshinori's friend.

The three of them, along with Todoroki, Toshinori, and Principal Nezu, were sitting in Principal Nezu's office.

"Mr. Aizawa, I'm assuming you told Shoto here about the court case?" Principal Nezu asked, stirring some honey in his tea.

"No, actually. I didn't want to overwhelm the kid so soon."

"That's understandable, but he needs to know soon." Principal Nezu said, smiling softly.

Aizawa sighed. He turned to Todoroki.

"Kid, we're taking your father to court. What he did to you wasn't ok." Aizawa said, trying to keep the anxiety out of his face.

The kid started to panic. "No...he'll take my mom away...he'll stop paying her bills...he'll-"

"Young Todoroki," Toshinori started. "I'll pay for your mom's medical bills. I have more than enough money, and I feel this is something I should do, for this is probably my fault. He said he was training you to be number one, so-"

"All Might, don't overwhelm the kid. This is obviously a lot for him to handle. Anyway, we'll have some of your classmates, some of your family, including your sister, and other witnesses. What we need for you to do is not panic, and be honest in the court house. We're trying to keep you safe, kid. We'll get you out of there if it's the last thing we do." Aizawa said, rubbing the kids back fondly.

He must admit, he's grown a soft spot for the boy, even if he doesn't like the fact.

Todoroki took a deep breath, and wiped at his eyes. "Ok," he said, a new determination in his eyes.

Aizawa nodded. "Kid, you can go back to the dorm, you're excused from classes for the rest of the day. Do you want us to tell the rest of the class?"

Todoroki hesitated before nodding.

"You don't have to lie, we won't if you don't want us to," Detective Tsukauchi said, looking at him softly.

"No, it's ok. I think they need to know." Todoroki said, looking down. "Can I go to the dorm now?"

Aizawa nodded, and the boy got up and exited the office.

Aizawa leaned back in the seat. "That kid didn't deserve all he went through. We've got enough evidence, right John?"

John nodded. "According to my probabilities, we've got about a 90% chance of winning."

The others in the room nodded.

"I'll go get my suit ready," Aizawa said, standing up. "See you in a week."

The others bid him a goodbye, and Aizawa left the office before sighing in relief. The tension was palpable in the room, and he was relieved to be out of there.

Aizawa walked back to the Class 1-A room, and took a deep breath before entering.

When he entered, he was met with an...interesting sight to say the least.

Hizashi was yelling English questions at the class, and Mina Ashido, Denki Kaminari, Ejiro Kirishima, and Hanta Sero were yelling back while standing on the desks.

Aizawa rolled his eyes, before slapping Hizashi on the back of his head.

"Hey! What gives?!" Hizashi yelled before looking at Aizawa. "OOOhhh...Hey Aizawa! How was your meeting?"

"Can I speak to my class before you continue with your yelling match?" Aizawa said deadpan.

"Yea sure. SHUT UP!" Hizashi yelled at the class, before they quieted down and sat in their chairs. Aizawa stepped behind the podium.

Midoriya raised his hand, and Aizawa nodded to him.

"Where's Todoroki?"

"That's why I'm interrupting your English class. So, you all know about what's happening to Todoroki, yea?"

A chorus of 'yea's came to him.

"So, we're taking his father to court to keep him safe. Don't mention it to anyone outside of the class, or you're expelled, and I'm serious. We're keeping this quiet so Todoroki doesn't get any unneeded attention. Understand?" Aizawa said, glaring at the class in warning. They all nodded quietly, even their resident ticking time bomb Bakugou.

Aizawa nodded at them and walked out. This class was a piece of work, and they knew it.

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