Ch. 4

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After his discussion with All Might, the day seemed to go by quickly. Shota had things to do, and people to see. The first person to meet with? Principal Nezu. The little talking rat man was, by far, the wisest person he knew. And with that, he might have someone that could help him begin his investigation into what was happening in the Todoroki household.

He stood outside the principal's door, knocked twice, then sipped his coffee out of his thermos. "Come in," the principal called, his voice oddly cheerful. How, Shota wondered, do people have any energy? Either way, Shota proceeded to open the door and make his way into the room.

"Principal Nezu." Shota said flatly.

"Aizawa! How lovely it is to see you. Would you like any tea? I just brewed a new pot!" The principal gestured to a neatly displayed tea set.

"No, thank you." To make a point, Shota took a long sip of his coffee. "I have something to discuss with you." The principal nodded in response, gesturing for Shota to sit down.

"I'll cut to the chase." Shota bluntly stated. "I think there's something going on in the Todoroki household."

"That is a strong accusation to make, Aizawa. Do you have any evidence?" Nezu's normally cheery rat-dog face became serious.

"Not any concrete evidence. However, I have noticed something that's occuring regularly." Shota proceeded to explain all he and All Might had noticed.

"I see." Nezu contemplated the accusation for a moment. "If you could get me some concrete evidence that this is happening, then we will proceed to begin the process of getting the Todoroki boy to a safe place."

"Duly noted, Principal. Thank you for your time."

"Of course. I wish you a wonderful evening, Shota." The principal smiled, back to his normal cheery self. With that, the two parted ways, and Shota began planning ways to get the evidence needed.

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