Ch. 8

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"May I talk to you for a second privately, Todoroki?" Shota asked, glaring at his obviously eavesdropping students. The students in question grinned sheepishly, before leaving like they were going to get killed. They might as well have, because this wasn't supposed to be witnessed by outside parties.

"Sure," Todoroki said as if he hadn't noticed the children staring at him (he hadn't).

The pair walked into the elevator, the doors shutting behind them. Shota pressed the button for Todoroki's assigned floor, and the kid thanked him quietly.

As soon as they got into Todoroki's (refurbished in record time) room, Shota began the questioning. "Is everything okay at home?"

"It's fine," The youngest Todoroki said, a little too quickly for Shota's liking.

"You know, if anything is not okay at home, you can talk to me, right?" Shota put his hand on the boy's shoulder again, staring him dead in the eyes. "I need to know these things, because it's my responsibility as your teacher to make sure you're safe, whether it be here or at home."

"Everything's okay, Mr. Aizawa." The kid looked away, pressing a hand to his scar over his left eye. It was clear, from the posture of the child that it wasn't entirely okay.

"I trust that you know, however, that as your teacher I am obligated to report this." Shota began to walk out of the room, and that's when Todoroki panicked.

"Please, don't!" The half and half kid cried. "I...I can't let you do that. It'll just put my siblings at risk, and I'd rather be the one to take the fall than them."

"Put them at risk...?" Shota said slowly. "Todoroki, you have to understand that as your teacher, I'm supposed to do what's best for you, and your family now."

The kid looked down, obviously defeated. "Alright." Shota smiled softly at the kid, and patted him on the head like a cat.

"I'm only doing what's necessary, Todoroki." With those words, Shota left the boy to his devices, to go file a report.

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